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A member registered Oct 07, 2017 · View creator page →

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I have never had the time to come back to this project but with quarantining happening right now. I guess now is the time to get back in to it. I don't know how much I'll get done but I promise I'll get something out. I'll post progress on Deviant-art 

(2 edits)

Edit: Oh! I'm such an idiot. Thank you very much for playing my game!!!!! I forgot to mention that >_<.

Yeah sorry about the overuse of the balloons =w=;;; I just didn't have enough time to make more faces as I intended to. As for asking whether people wanted me to continue making the game I guess all I really wanted to do was see if there was any interest in it. However, you're definitely right. I should decide that on my own. 

I did write the entire story down and planned on having Fog, Amy, and Sam all get to the library. I also had a bunch of puzzles thought out so I might go ahead and make the longer version with more upgraded maps and graphics. About the writing that was my fault lol. I just realized I didn't proof read anything at all. I was so busy seeing whether events were all in working order that I forgot the most basic thing. Proofreading! 

The game definitely needs more play time than reading; not only so the player has a chance to take a break lol, but because it has to be a game. 

Also I think it's because they're kids they feel more numb and accepting to the situation around them. They've been exposed to a lot more scarier things in the operation room. Things like this are not on their radar of fear. The doctor is. 


I won't say much about Mackenzie, but I can definitely say he doesn't look like a monster. The actual monsters roaming around the hallways are not him. He's in the basement part of the facility and before Sam leaves he needs to find him. 

Ahh! OK gotcha. No wonder even after I thought I understood the maze I kept being thrown about lol. Thank you very much for clearing that up.

I felt, resources wise, it seemed very astonishing and I was ready to be amazed however the story (disregarding the poor English) was very, I wanna say poorly executed.

Again I feel the game definitely had potential however the handling of the story, especially the maze puzzle was poorly executed.

Evaluation of the maze puzzle.

Some of the hints from the fire were ok I guess. When it said your path seems rough, I though ok then maybe that might mean I have to head towards a direction that had rough terrain. Then it said something about go towards the crowd. At first I though huh? There's no one here, but then I said maybe it's a metaphor. I saw a bunch of trees and headed in that direction because I assumed they had a crowd of trees if that makes sense? The first time I did it, it sent me right back to the beginning so I tried other areas and after almost quitting I tried the trees area again and this time it worked. I would been ok with redoing the loop if it just didn't send me back to the beginning every time. Then the next area said don't trust the lights, or something, so I headed to the dark cave. After doing so however I came right back to the same place. Thinking it was a bug I said ok I'll go back in to the cave but I came right back to where I was. So i said ok maybe it's left. Nope. Maybe back? That brought me to the beginning of the puzzle which sucked. Then finally I went to the lights and it worked so I guess I should trust the lights? Maybe it was poorly translated and it meant to say trust the lights. The last area before the maze ends was the most annoying of them all. Before you even enter the maze it tells you there is no turning back, or something about don't regret I don't remember. When the maze didn't work at times I tried going back because sometimes regardless of my direction it would loop. So out of frustration I would go back and surprise surprise I would be at the beginning. This isn't the games fault thought that's mine for ignoring the don't go back or regret thingy. The problem with the game was that it made it pretty obvious by the multiple trial and errors that going back was not a good thing so having to head back for the last puzzle to go forward almost made me lose my head lol. 

The reason I stopped playing wasn't because of that though. I stopped playing because the father part had a bug (or at least I think so). i got rope and I assume it snapped cause the father was heavy? So I got another one and it snapped too? Then it said get another and I did but the father kept telling me to get another. i checked the game and it said I had 3 pieces of rope but the father said I needed more rope. I clicked everywhere and nothing. I tried going back to the loop puzzle too lol. But nothing. So I saw the father said something about a counter balance. i clicked the rocks but nothing happened. I gave up at that point. I would've revisited the game to properly finish it but I didn't save after the maze so I just threw in the towel. Sadly I'll never know if my sister in the game was ok. i hope she was though lol.

Sorry for the huge amount of text just wanted to share my experience with the game.

The art was great. Sadly the game itself didn't complement it. 

No problem =w= glad to help!

Glad to see you finished your game in time!

I downloaded the game in the windows version but when I tried unzipping the file I got 2 items that were corrupted which were the 

  1. Animations/Heal5.png
  2. TitleScreenF1.png

When I pressed new game I got an error that read: img/pictures/TitleScreenF1.png so I couldn't play the game yet. I don't know if it's just me who got that error.

I hope you can get these two errors fixed, last thing I'd want is for you to be disqualified due to a little bug. ^_^/

(3 edits)

Phew that battle between the celestial beasts and me was an epic tale I'll tell you that lol. It came down to me having 21 hp but I managed. I gotta say for the first battle that was really hard XD. Maybe I wasn't supposed to go to the celestial volcano area that had the chest yet, because after killing the celestial beasts I went from level 1 to 5 and then chapter 2 had started. Some things I noticed that might be considered bugs and could use some polish is the follows.

  1. In the Celestial Volcano you can actually walk on the lava and if you walk past the lava you can walk on the roof of the rocks.
  2. In the Celestial Cave you can walk up the vines and also be on top of the rock terrain.  (Dunno if that one is actually a problem, maybe that one was on purpose. But if that's the case then what is the point of the secret door opening, I mean in theory you can reach the secret area by just climbing the vines and then walking there then jumping down.)
  3. When I was fighting the celestial beasts I actually tried using one of my apples on Atticus but it didn't work. Every time I tried to heal him it just ended up healing my main character. This is why the battle was also hard because once Atticus goes down the damage focused on you is high with each beast dealing anywhere from 40ish damage to 60ish per hit. I was really feeling the pressure during my fight but not because it was executed well but rather because I was having fun thinking to myself that I was going to win the broken system! That in of itself was very fun!~

I was only able to get to chapter 2 because I have work tomorrow but overall the game seems lovely just has a small bug with being unable to heal Atticus and the walking on certain tiles like lava.