I guess it would depend, I believe that working on one is probably the better option as you can set your focus onto that project, however eventually if its all your focusing on constantly you might feel a little drained and by focusing on something else like a smaller project for a little bit it helps you revitalize and be able to think of fixes that help you get passed the road block if you were having trouble progressing on one project. id say one major project and a few little ones are fine but juggling multiple massive projects will lead to more problems and a drop to quality and completion on the other projects.
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I was using game maker 8, and with working solo its great because you have a lot of creative freedom, don't have to worry about disputes or coordinating a team of people to help you develop a game. Working solo ends up becoming hard with bigger games as you may need skills that you aren't to well versed in which can cause a decrease in quality or because you haven't got anyone to bounce ideas off of you aren't able to develop the plot and discuss mechanics. I would say the hardest part is if you lack a skill that would be pivotal in creating a well rounded game. but if using a simple to use engine and practicing your own skills on small games working solo is fine and really fun.
Hey all, I am Equil. I have been interested in developing games for a while now and am trying to get more into it, I am interested in creating all sorts of games at the moment I am focusing on 2D RPG games and visual novels. I am mainly writing the story, and am not to good at art which has made developing the games take a bit longer. At the moment I am currently using an rpg maker.
I look forward to talking to some of you around the forums