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Multiple Projects, Or One At A Time?

A topic by CWGames created Dec 02, 2019 Views: 408 Replies: 4
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Hello there my good ladies and gentlespoons! So as the title says, I would like to ask you folks whether you find it better to work on one game at a time or juggle multiple?

The main reason the question came to my mind was after finding not too long ago that I was in a way stuck into a loop of "tunnel vision" as it were. I found that for almost a month straight I had been working on a tiny cosmetic part of the game and lost sight of the bigger picture.

I decided I needed to step back and so I created my own form of game jam as it were heh. I did find afterwards that it did in fact help bring me back to the bigger picture when returning to my main game!

I am curious though as to what all of you good folks' views are on if it is better to work on one at a time,  or to juggle multiple games like I said to stop that "Tunnel Vision"?

Thanks for reading all!


Interesting case, but as it usually happens, the only fair answer to most of interest questions, is that it all depends. Finding own balance and striving for balance in general is not something that can be automatized, but it certainly is good to have some guidelines to follow.

Personally, I would recommend looking at the "Ockhams Razor" principle. In the evolved meaning, it says the amount of entities should be kept down to minimum, to a degree where each entity serves a unique purpose. Therefore, if certain idea does not fit in one game or the implementation of which the idea would disrupt the intended cohesion of one game, it is better to be put the concept into another game, but then, as soon as we have two games to work upon simultaneously, each arising idea has to be directed either to the first or the second game, which already could pose a problem to decide. In general, the more the things, the more the distraction, but I do not believe everything in the world either could or should be put into a single game, because games, are not meant to emulate the world, as they are worlds themselves, of fewer dimensions.


I guess it would depend, I believe that working on one is probably the better option as you can set your focus onto that project, however eventually if its all your focusing on constantly you might feel a little drained and by focusing on something else like a smaller project for a little bit it helps you revitalize and be able to think of fixes that help you get passed the road block if you were having trouble progressing on one project. id say one major project and a few little ones are fine but juggling multiple massive  projects will lead to more problems and a drop to quality and completion on the other projects.

(1 edit) (+1)

Sometimes if you dig too deep into game dev-ing - or anything else that takes focus to execute - it can narrow down your creative field of vision already. If you have any expectations of profit, this makes things worse by itself. Try and get your head out of the box for a while. Do something else instead. For example, read a book. I know it may be shocking. Allow yourself to waste your own time a bit. If without any idea, just sit down calmly, listen to the music you like, perhaps eventually take a walk outside. Just do not expect things to miraculously improve with the project. Infact, if you come to conclusion the entire endeavor is a big delusion or you are doing it wrong from the very beginning, you have to deal with that. Let yourself waste time openly in front of yourself, at least for some time. On a footnote, oftentimes people would either how waste their time, pretending to be busy, but doing nothing essential to progress, except becoming even more entangled in a fatal loop. Which is why, to fight this 'concealed idleness' pattern, I say, be idle simply as is, for at least it is honest and may let you see things different way.


Max 2 for solo creators. 3 is too hectic and only having 1 makes you put all your ideas into that one game, despite it fitting or not.