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A member registered Mar 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much, looking forward to developing this further in the future when I have the time! :) Unreal Engine doesn't take it lightly loading in levels when put onto web browsers sometimes haha

Thanks for the feedback! It was unfortunate that me and the team didn't have much time to polish up in the UI design. We wanted to have the player be able to see the back and front of the character in-game and were hoping to implement a side profile when the player looked on the side of the character. I'm glad that you enjoyed Starmaker though, much thanks to the rest of the team for carrying this jam!

Dude the gameplay and visual effects in this game were nothing less than amazing to say the least! It was perfect, perfect, everything down to the last minute details

Thank you so much! It was unfortunate that some of the UI within the game magically disappeared along with a few bits of the code I had done to fix the mouse unlocking.
I'm glad that you loved the assets, couldn't have made this game without our powerhouse of an asset designer we had!

Thank you so much! There were possible grander plans for the story going forward but we shall see. This was one of the more enjoyable jams so it was nice to see people liking it as much as I did!

Loved playing Heavenly Ascent, everything  felt smooth for me (no lag!) and the controls were perfectly fine. Thing I loved most was the design of the ship!

Fantastic text-based adventure game, especially for your first time! The text kept me engaged throughout and was looking forward to seeing more until the unfortunate End had to come :(

Love this!