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A member registered Feb 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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best game ever

-Interesting use of darkness to hide information from the player.

- I needed something in the background sound to generate a bit of ambience

- but overall good game :-)

- I understand that you want the player to be able to see the puzzle, but I think it would be better if the shade of darkness was a bit darker, it would be better.

- because otherwise the character's aura of light would not make sense, if I can totally see everything around me.

-14/14 plays without errors beyond the clipping on the walls (which is most likely that, you have left it on purpose)

-Good game :-)

(1 edit)
- I don't know if it's a good idea to let the player go infinitely left or right. (Personally, I got a little lost when I hit the wall and my character teleported to the other side)
- Jumping is good and it's fun but I can't find the theme of the Jam "Darkness" anywhere.
- And the Jam tries to make a game in Unity and this is not... Unity :-(