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A member registered Nov 27, 2018

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Bit of a bummer, but fair enough. Thanks for letting me know!

Just out of curiosity, will we be able to have a body hair option for the male LIs (like, to switch it on or off)? I always envisioned John and the Sheriff as being a bit more natural (not crazy chest hair, but some), and especially with John I'm kinda surprised to see he's smooth. In any case, I realize this may be a long shot but figured I'd ask.
Anyway, as always, looking forward to this game, and love to see each update. :)

Nice, thanks! 

If that happens their kid is basically gonna be Daenerys 2.0, and will burn Camelot (and broader Avalon) to the ground atop their dragon.
Thus, Merlin's prophecy would be fulfilled.

Just finished reading up to the end of the current demo and overall I really enjoyed it! 😀

To start with, I'll talk about the parts I had some problems with. There were some points during the last two chapters (3 & 4) while Mordred was going about his daily life/lessons when nothing much was happening and it just felt like a bit of an info (lore) dump. I other words, it sort of dragged and I began to lose interest and skimmed. I wanted to be honest about my personal experience here even if it might not be the glowing praise some would give. Skimming is a subconscious reaction for me when my brain stops feeling engaged and searches for the next point of interest in a story. I'm not saying it was that way for other readers, but it was so far me.

I also lost some interest in the dragons, which somehow feel a little too normalised now, even mundane, and my 'fierce' dragon feels quite tame. I feel it's become a bit lax in upholding that sense of wonder that, as bonded as we may be with our dragon, we should still feel from time to time over these powerful creatures. I also feel that, due to being a Pendragon/Dragonblood, our insight and connection with dragons in general, even if we're cautious in not showing it, should still feel more profound then it does. Like we just perceive them on a level that others (besides Arthur) cannot, even if we're not actively engaging them. I still don't really get that vibe from it.

But other than those bits, I found your writing style is very mature and polished. I really love the way you portray Morgana - she genuinely feels as powerful and formidable as she should feel, and I think she is the character you write best. I'm always interested to see what she'll do next and what little (or not-so-little) schemes she's got cooking. Really nice. Our Mordred is also a well written MC - suitably complex. Lastly, I'm enjoying the building yet conflicted relationship between Mordred and Arthur - I'm really intrigued to see the future difficulties the relationship faces as the two grow closer and Arthur becomes even more conflicted between his trust in Merlin's prophecy and his own (potential) desire to recognise Mordred as his successor, and of course the potential public fallout of such a revelation. But I suppose that's all quite far in the future!
Most importantly, I felt disappointed when I reached the end of the demo and there was no more for now, which is always a good sign. 😊

I also hope we see more of Galahad soon - my male Mordred's chosen LI. So far the parts with him have been my favourite parts of this story (what can I say? I'm a sucker for the enemies-to-lovers trope). I enjoyed the nature of Mordred's relationship with him during our first meeting, and how by the end Galahad is potentially torn between the desire to believe and follow his father and the realisation that his father is not as perfect or right as he originally imagined, and Mordred may not be this world-ender that he's made to believe. I also like the antagonism between them too, and am interested to see how they'll interact when they're reunited after 5 years - what's changed, and how the  attraction blossoms (both advertently and inadvertently) out of what starts out as antagonism. The complexity and changing nature of it is always a fun experience, in my opinion! ❤

I'm also wondering - will it be possible to romance Galahad even if our Mordred doesn't exactly try to befriend him? By that I mean, Mordred might still antagonise Galahad as he does him, but Galahad is observant enough to see how Mordred acts toward people he cares about, and that Mordred may not be quite as "horrible" as all that, not to mention Mordred's teasing flirts (potentially) getting him a bit flustered despite himself. Anyway, it would be interesting to know!


It warns of 'mature language' at the beginning of the story. What are you complaining about?

As a long-time lover of Trash and your Wilder boys, I already have complete faith in that. 👍

Trust me, a lot of people feel like you do, and you're not wrong. It's completely inorganic, and instantly takes any story down several notches.

Damn, this is incredibly good. Hurts a little to reach the end of chapter 1 and have nothing more, but I'm excited to see where this one goes.
My ice-cold hunter might hate 'Flea' (for now), but I love him! 😍

Looking forward to seeing more of our boys! 😍

Oh my lord... the LIs in this are so good. I'm loving Arthur and Yves most, but honestly can't wait to try all of them. That little interaction with Arthur at the end of chapter one left me wanting so much more!
Seriously, your writing is amazing, the premise of the story is really good, and the only thing that absolutely kills me is the time between updates. Sigh. 💔

"Romancing' sweetheart. The antagonistic flirt options aren't bad, I think this is going to be interesting.😊
What is the rating for this game? Will there be sexual content? Fingers crossed

(7 edits)

Okay, just finished playing. It's quite good so far! I'm most interested in the relationship with Lane thus far - the tension there is pretty nice. 🥰

First wanted to note, it would be nice to have save options, and also a button to restart or go back during a playthrough, rather than having to play thru the whole thing just to fix a wrong choice we made. Oh, also, can we have an option to choose our MC's skin color or ethnicity? I may have missed it but I think it wasn't among the customisation.

For parts that could use some improvement, I do hope that we have more chances to roleplay our character's personality, including the tone of what we say, how we choose to act, & how we feel about different issues that come up.
For example, when all the guys are overly worried about my (male) MC because of what Jacques said relating to Kingston's presence (tbh their reaction was sorta overkill), I would have liked the option to say something like, 'stop acting like goddamn mother hens, I'm not gonna break at the mere mention of Kingston', if I felt it was within my personality-type to reject such treatment. I mean, especially from guys that are around my own (male MC's) age and probably wouldn't realistically be doting like that over MC, who should just be 'one of the guys' to them (at least if a choice/my choices have shown that MC is a more stoic type that's used to handling pressure & internalising or pushing down stresses). Or at least the option to be dismissive, thankful or irritated over their concern on the issue. Just a suggestion, but I feel such options would go a long way to making our MC feel more real and personalised.

It would also be great to be able to determine just how bothered I felt by my ex being my rival in the first place, rather than having our MC freaking out or hyperventilating as the standard when we see or come in contact with the ex. TBH that felt like a bit of an over-reaction for a semi-professional racer in their 20s.

The LI's are pretty nice so far - quite well-written and all of them sound sexy. I'd like the choice to be able to be more or less assertive in interactions with them tho - what we say and how we act. Choosing to lead or to follow in interactions, like when Ryder wants us to go outside with him.

But yeah, I genuinely can't wait to see how this story pans out, especially when the racing starts. The tension is gonna be so good when MC gets pitted against these guys. Good luck with it! 👍

Haven't read the story yet, but I just had to say that holy f the male version of the LI's are so fecking hot in their Pinterest aesthetic - I just wanna please all of them at once. LOL. 😅
Seriously tho, I am gonna have a hell of a time choosing between them. Guess I'll have to have one playthrough for each of them.
Ahem. Reigning my hormones in now. Gonna play as a male MC, can't wait - I love racing IFs, we need more of them! ❤

(1 edit)

I have a suggestion about how to make it less 'clunky'.

I think a prologue with a younger Carter arriving on the scene (finding MC), making note of some things and reporting, 'we've got another weird one' and maybe using some MAB-related jargon/supernatural terms that clearly indicates he knows his stuff, as well as showing some distaste or coldness (or however he feels about the MAB) when reporting to that lady, actually adds a lot of intrigue right from the start. We wanna know more.

And this intrigue intensifies if, in the first chapter, an older Carter is acting like a run-of-the mill cop indifferent or clueless to the supernatural, different to how we saw him act in the prologue (now the reader think, 'what? is this the same guy?'). Now MC, being sensitive to such things, may be able to tell that something about Carter just doesn't feel right and never has, but can't pinpoint what is it. Maybe it contributes to MC's unwillingness to trust Carter with certain things, or Carters unwillingness to be too friendly with MC. Or maybe MC is torn between this mistrust & the longing to rely on someone, or find familial comfort, and it's just awkward. This goes on up to the reveal in chapter 2, and can cause some interesting moments between them til then.

I don't really see how it would be clunky to work it in to the conversation when Carter & MC are reunited after the shooting indecent at the house, if anything it makes perfect sense as it works with the progression of the story events. It would make even more sense if MC caught a glimpse of the summoned being back at the house but had no idea wtf it was. Carter seems hesitant to explain at first, mentioned that what he shot at wasn't human. It was a summoning. MC asks him what the hell he's talking about, what is a summoning and how the hell does know such things. Carter sighs, then starts speaking in fluent supernatural terms that no run-of-the-mill cop should know. MC just stares/says wtf/etc. Carter says, 'listen kid, there's a lot you don't know... a lot I haven't told you about me, about who I was and who I used to run with. I planned to to tell you earlier but between cases and you trying to wrap your head around your abilities, and how hard it was for you, it seemed a cruel and unnecessary burden to heap on you. I just kept putting it off, y'know. But I guess this is it.' He gives an abbreviated account of the weird circumstances under which he found MC, and how they weren't the first strange finding he had. MC asks how many others, to which he explains he'd been finding them for years, when he worked for the MAB. Then MC can ask him some questions about MAB that he answers. You can give continued indications of how Carter feels about the bureau ('show, don't tell') in how he speaks about them, words he uses, etc. rather than him straight up saying how he feels about them.

Anyway, just an idea!

(1 edit)

Just read the second chapter. Not too bad, although I must confess it felt a little bit disjointed/immersion-breaking with the flashback of Carter first meeting the MC just slotted in there (especially as it had no real connection to the scenes before or after). That sort of flashback is much more like something you'd use as the prologue of the story, capturing the readers interest as they're introduced to their MC and left to wonder just who or what their MC really is.
just my opinion, tho.

Just discovered this now. Fun little game! Would be kinda nice if it a had a sequel where we could hook up with the guys in their dorms, maybe in continuation of the different "bad endings". I really liked sexy ginger Leo, and would also love to see the threesome with Adam & his boyfriend. ❤

This is really good so far. I love your writing 'voice', the mystery behind the MC, and Carter, of course!
I'll admit I was slightly disappointed that Carter wasn't one of the LIs (I assumed he was cos he was first on the list of characters, which I first thought was a list of LIs). I love me some older grizzled man (and a cop to boot!), but ehh, I'm sure the actual LIs will be great! :D
Can't wait to read more. :)

I'd love a poly with Chris and Rahim, tho Rahim does mention he's a one-partner kind of guy. Maybe Chris x Zillah? Hmm...

This is brilliantly done so far. I love the feel of this IF, it's like a combination of Dexter and Hannibal (the tv series), which can only be a good thing because they were both awesome, yet it also has a freshness all its own. I'm smitten!

I truly hope you continue this story, cos it would be a terrible shame if it were to go unfinished. I'm really intrigued to see how you integrate romance in with the brutal/cold killer that is our MC (which, btw, I love!). I'm especially intrigued how it will work with Officer Kaufmann, seeing as it seems our interests lie very much in conflict. The seduction will likely be sublime. This relationship is what I'm most eager to check out!

And I have to mention that you have a fantastic writing voice - your style is clean and highly evocative, making the details of the story truly come alive in the reader's mind. 

Although the Lightning Thief isn't really my jam (Just personal preference, I like 18+ stuff), this story and These Crimson Strings hit all the right notes with me! So good!

I hope you'll grace us with more. 😊❤

I thought for sure this project was abandoned. Great to hear that's not so. Can't wait for the new chapters!

No problem, I'm glad it could be some use to you. The things I've mentioned are all things I myself learned as a writer, but trust me, it makes a world of difference to the writing. :)

When it comes to exposition, the best thing to do is give it in small doses - never go heavy on it if you can help it. The reason for this is the reader will skip all those details you so badly want to tell them. They won't even do it consciously, it just won't hold their attention so their brain will just skip it. I'm genuinely warning you about this because it's the biggest reason a person will stop reading a story and not pick it back up: even if you plan to take a different route a few chapters in, none of that will matter if the reader has already stopped reading. So try to get out of that habit as quickly as you can. Feed them info/lore strictly on a need-to-know basis, and wherever possible do it via 'show, don't tell'; via the MC experiencing it first- or second-hand.
Example, don't have the MC asking about some species they've never met unless there is a reason they need to know. The MC in your story is already dealing with so much, they're not gonna care about the lore of the place until it's an immediate concern - right now they're probably trying to get their head around what the hell they're doing on that spaceship and who the hell all these weird aliens are and how to feel about it all. One thing at a time.
The best way to give info about a species is when it becomes imperative that they needs to know: when it becomes personal to them, when it's important for survival. This might happen if the MC has to deal with that species one-on-one and doesn't want to mess up, or if they make a friend of that species. Conversely, if you give the reader the option not to ask about further info on a species, say if the player's MC isn't the sort to care enough, or asks someone who can't be bothered informing them, it can cause a diplomatic incident, which can be fun for drama in an alternate path.

One final hint I'll give for dynamic writing is using the character's senses: smell, touch, taste, sight, hearing. When you (or a character, in this case) enter a new and unfamiliar place, what immediately strikes your senses. What sounds do you hear? Is there a smell or smells? What are your eyes drawn to? Is there a smell so strong you can actually taste it? 
Obviously you don't have to go into every single detail because that would be overkill, just pick what most stands out to the senses. The exception to this is if the experience is supposed to be overwhelming for the character's senses and you want to convey that to reader, than you can over-describe a little more (often in a rapid fashion as it gives the feeling of your senses being overloaded as you experience one thing after another).
In short, there will be senses that jump out at you, because they're alien. Even revisiting a scene, something may have changed, and if it's pertinent to the story, it's worth mentioning it.
And of course, and important thing to consider with all these senses is, how does it makes the character feel? For example, a busy market with so many of their sense being bombarded might give a sense of excitement to one character (to explore, if the character hasn't had much freedom), but to another it might make them want to hide or get as far away as possible (if they're afraid of crowds, have a particular condition, or a trauma of some sort).
A dark, alien room with strange lights and foreign objects might give a great sense of unease, or it could make the MC or other characters who are more adventurous or technically-minded, curious to explore.
This of course depends on the character's personality and experiences. You can dictate that for all of the characters in the game, but for the MC, give he player as much chance as possible to convey how something makes THEIR character feel, or how they act toward it, with choices. Let them shape their character's personality through each experience. It makes it very immersive and give the reader a sense of ownership and investment in their character.
And with all of this, remember, 'show, don't tell'. If they walk into that creepy alien room and feel deeply weirded out, don't tell the reader that the character(s) feel creeped out, convey it. Example, they might get goosebumps on their arms, might freeze up, muscles tense, might go quiet or stutter or give a high-pitched laugh, or makes excuses to leave, or physically leave the room. Depending on the character, they probably will have different reactions. You don;'t have to go nuts with this, but it's a good way to give the reader the sense of how they should also feel about this environment (since they're experiencing it through the characters). Or perhaps how they choose not to feel because something about their characters is different (perhaps brave and adventurous, or overly naive and curious).

Anyway, I realise that's all a lot to take in, but yeah, hope it helps you out. :)

(3 edits)

Not a bad start, but if I'm honest the story lacks life and flow - there are far too many info dumps along the way that you could work into the story more organically. There's a saying 'show, don't tell' used for writing, which means wherever possible show what it is you want to describe to the reader in action, rather than narrating about it. For example, rather then describing the throne at length when MC walks into the throne room, you can have the queen sit on it and interact with it and MC observes it that way, or maybe there are servants polishing it or such - this makes the info deliverance more dynamic.

But this is especially applicable to introducing new characters. Rather than describing every detail of their face & body, instead describe the most notable, important features - the things that immediately strike the MC when they see them. For example, if a person is half-machine, you're going to notice that far more than their hair and eyes color. You can of course mention other details when the character pushes back their curls or winks their sparkling [color] eye, or has a habit of sniffing a lot, body language, etc, but work it into the character's interaction with the world. The MC might stare at a certain feature and that could make the characters feel some sort of way, or another character could warn the MC about something notable about the character before/during meeting them. Maybe the MC meets them in an unusual way, or they say or do something strange or noteworthy that shows their personality. This serves to makes the characters more engaging from the moment you meet them and allows the reader to start deciding how they feel about a character from the first word.

Also, when you introduced the first two friendly characters, Estell and Amare, at no point do they tell the MC (or the reader) their names, yet they're narrated by their names the page after they appear. I was wondering who tf they were until I came back here and read the RO section.

Another thing that's really, really important, you need to think of this from the MC's/readers POV, not your own writer's POV. If I woke up on a strange ship about to be experimented upon, some time should be taken to show the MC's confusion, panic, fear, helplessness, etc about waking up in some foreign place. If this isn't their first time waking up on the ship (if they're in-and-out of consciousness), then you can narrate it with a bit more awareness, since it's not all new (but still frightening, etc). For a decent chunk of the start of the story MC should not be comfortable with their surroundings if it's brand new and completely alien from anything they knew. MC might stare at species they've never seen, act erratically or irrationally, etc. As it is right now, MC accepts all this new stuff as if it's just another day. Even when MC is told they're a demi-god it's like being told it's raining outside, when instead it should be one of, it not THE, most earth-shattering revelations they'll ever hear: their entire identity has just shifted, and everything they thought they knew about themselves. You need to take a little bit of time with such huge moment.
NOTE: If MC hasn't been abducted from earth, you need to work how they got to be there, or what they remember of it, into the introduction, unless they have no memory of where they came from before they were on the experimentation table.

In short, you need to step into the shoes of your characters when you write them, FULLY, including the MC. Forget what you know about the world and characters as it's writer, and just focus on what that single character knows, and how they would feel in the given situation. It will makes your writing a lot more dynamic and captivating. 

I hope this helps a little! Good luck!

I'd love to have Zillah call my male MC 'daddy'. lol.

(2 edits)

So I have a problem... or something. Currently playing Episode 4 and I just noticed (in the coding) that there are a BUNCH of scenes you only get with a character if you have 10 romance points with them. I romanced Rahim (as a male MC) in the last episode and, to my knowledge, scored every romance point while still playing a character with a more stoic personality rather than a sweet one, and yet when I came into this 3rd part I only had 6 romance points with him and nothing I could have done so far has gotten me any more on top (I checked the coding), save for adding points at the start of the season, which I didn't want to do since it felt inorganic. So I've missed most of the romance parts including one that felt weird to have missed where he 'saves' the MC from being 'killed' in the first fight with the demons. It was honestly weird having my MC, who had kissed Rahim and who Rahim confesses to having strong feelings for, just stand there being strangled, etc when I read what I would have gotten had I had 10 romance points.
I get if it didn't meet the 10 point benchmark, but am a bit miffed it means Rahim wouldn't have even tried to help me and Amari did it instead.
In fact, the lack of romantic interaction with Rahim in general sucks at below 10 points, even minor bits that would make sense to happen for someone that is interested in my character. He doesn't even act happy or relieved to see my MC, beyond what everyone else does, when MC returns from Purgatory. 😑
I understand 6 isn't the same as 10, but it shouldn't mean SO little.

(1 edit)

You can always post the bug here in the comments, most people do that for games on You can even take screenshots of the issue & upload them with your comment if you need to, too.

Also, I just have to mention cos it definitely deserves it's own post and to be mentioned - our MC is fecking awesome. THIS is how you write an MC!
Can't wait to see more of our MC kicking the universe's ass, proving just why they were chosen as the operative to receive IVI, and of course taking their revenge on Scytha (with or without IVI, tho I do like having her about!).
Also, Joia (btw, how do you pronounce her name?) is a sweetie. Hope we continue to bond with her (maybe even adopt her in the far future), tho I know it will take time considering her trauma and likely trust issues. I really like the Found Family trope, especially with a tough, egotistical, selfish MC having to explore the side of themselves they've been distinctly ignoring. lol

Fantastic update - I've played this game to death since I first came across it, so every new update is a blessing. Love Rohan. Very intrigued about this new alien!

Figured I'd mention a bug. Okay, a bug AND something that I found a bit weird. If you choose to contact Scytha instead of Rohan's "person", when you come onboard Lance scans all the ID's, then you get a video call from the Director, right? Well there's a bug where, if you didn't kill Rohan (like in my case), and you lie to the director and say you did, MC will recall Rohan's dead body in the text as if he'd killed him, when Rohan is actually fine and well and on the ship.
The other thing I found really weird was speaking about Rohan with the Director after lying about killing him, she describes what he look like, etc. However, considering this is the director, and Lance literally just scanned Rohan's ID when he came on board, AND found IVI with him, surely the lie would completely fail as she'd already know Rohan was on the ship? I mean, the Director would surely have already been informed, by Lance, of the fact that someone who was NOT a Scytha operative had IVI in their possession, and the ID of that individual was that of Rohan. Unless Rohan is using a fake ID, which is pretty probable (although the MC could probably speculate or come to that conclusion, to make it clear to the player), but that still wouldn't stop the Director from being informed of, and wanting to know the reason for, IVI being in the possession of someone in your entourage, rather than in your head.

Anyway, on tenterhooks for what comes next. More sexual tension with Rohan, and maybe some payoff for it? :D

Sounds great! Always nice to have a few different antagonistic forces (external and/or internal) to keep things from getting too predictable, maybe taking a bit of a detour from other routes, especially after the first playthrough when the flow of the story is revealed to the player. Makes replaying all the better! :)

Will looking fine as always - very nice!
Can't wait for some peeks at big Little John heh, and more of our Sheriff!

Just started playing this, but playing an antagonistic introvert isn't reflected very well in how the MC communicates with the housemates at the start, smiling and reassuring, etc. It's a bit weird. Would be good if we had a little more control over the manner with which our MC interacts with them.

(1 edit)

Okay, the error I get when trying to quicksave says this (from traceback.txt file). If you need more info late me know.

And I've put together this image showing how the DC's image changes. The top and left-most images are what I designed my DC as. After choosing the 'it disgusts me' option when Matt is playing violin (that's the path I'm on - disciplinarian/"little demon" path), in the save menu it gives me the middle picture (not sure if it's because of that?). But if I reload a save game at any point after that, the load/save menu will only ever show the one on the right, who seems to have the more perky/pointy nose from the character creator. It never shows the original image again. I've pretty much only been choosing the last/discipline choices. Not sure if this is intentional? Thought I'd mention it though! :)

And a last quick word on Kastian.
First thanks for being so sweet in considering my idea about a Kas romance - I hope you know what you're doing in giving me hope. LOL. I mean, y'know I love Matt (and Mandra too, if you recall that whole essay I wrote a while back lol), but damn, when we got introduced to Kastian and there was that moment in front of the door if you flirt to get out of it... lol. Yeah, I'll admit I may have sorta sat forward in my seat, grinned like an idiot and promptly forgot all about Matt for the duration, while jumping way ahead of myself and imagining all sorts of filthy delicious scenarios in Kas and my (male) DC's future. LOL.

Don't get me wrong, I like Melike (she's dead cute, and I hope we can foster our relationship with her in future) and I respect the preference for those who want & enjoy poly romances, but the potential power-play rivalry between two proud Dragon Commanders trying to get the upper hand on one another? that is an entirely different dynamic from the poly. A very juicy dynamic! Let's just say it appeals to my disciplinarian DC who doesn't get challenged much. I mean, when Mattias does it it doesn't count cos by his rank he can force the DC to do whatever he wants, technically. At times Matt may long for the direction a disciplinarian DC gives, but Matt is ALWAYS the one with all the power in the end, and they both know it. Kastian? Well.. he probably could (and will) do something considering his connections and (literal) power, but with his having gone through some shit, knowing disgrace, and carrying the scars of that, plus both wary of causing diplomatic incident, and this being our DC's home, the two feel a little more on even-footing. Their marked difference in status (noble and "commoner") just adds friction and flavor to the situation.

Plus our DC doesn't give a crap about the fact Kas is a prince nor do they treat him like everyone else seems to, which means Kas doesn't need to keep up appearances when they're alone. Though I can see both of them abusing their position or the situation at some point, maybe several points, to keep things interesting in this... what starts out as a game... between them.

The way I see it, the sexual aspect, and later romance, is part and parcel with the challenge they feel and vulnerability they both hide, and begin to recognise aspects of themselves in each other. At times they might want to absolutely destroy each other, and neither has to say a word because they both understand the desperate need for an outlet from the inner frustration, etc. At times that might happen between the sheets (hehe). In any case, it's not something others around them can understand in the same way, perhaps. Just like Mandra and our DC have that special connection caused by both having been abused by the king and wanting to protect each other back then (a part of the story I absolutely adore) - Mattias can't understand it no matter how much he may want to. In the same way Mattias couldn't truly understand why his bringing DC back during what was meant to be his redemption, was so deeply scarring for our DC, and apologies just don't cut it somehow.

There's a real chance for Kas and our DC, as proud warriors in positions of real expectation, to truly open up to each other about their hurt, shame and desire for true redemption (in the eyes of the world, and to forgive themselves), way down the track.

Phew! Sorry about this "last quick word"-turned-essay! lol. Your characters, as always, inspire. :)

Anyway, I hope things are going well for you in the real world, that you're in good health and the writing is flowing smoothly these days? As always, here's wishing you good luck and good writing! :)

There's nothing wrong with the illustrations per se, I just prefer to imagine characters based on how they're described in text and find that illustrations can break immersion when they suddenly crop up in an otherwise text-based game, especially if they're a certain style that's at odds with what my brain conjures up. I understand if you can't or don't want to make it an option to turn them off, and I hope you're not offended by the request, but I really hope you'll at least consider it, even if it means they're on by default and turning them off is something you have to do in settings.

I appreciate you adding the mod descriptions in future - it's good to know roughly what it entails and get a heads up on the downsides of each power, too, even if it's just hinted at! I will definitely do a playthrough of each type of mod when the story gets more content, and I love how aspects of the story change depending on what mod you choose. I love that sort of attention to detail, an the replay value that comes with it. Just FYI, even though the most tempting is mind control, satisfying our inner dictator lol, I decide to choose the one in relation to controlling the senses, just to see how it is. So far, pretty interesting!

As for Quinn, I did actually check up to see if she's a romance option, I'll admit. I was/am playing a gay male (so much for that lol), but I'm a huge fan of interesting and challenging characters first-and-foremost, and Quinn had me the moment she hacked away at my arm like a kid in a candy store, and then it was love when she called me Stumpy. LOL. But seriously, I know she's not a RO, but at the very least I better be able to give back as good as I get from her, and get a lot more weird, unpredictable moments with her to keep things interesting. :D
I'm also really intrigues to see how the romance with the enemy android goes. Enemies to lovers is always a fun one to play, all the rivalry and tension. That is definitely top of my list for playthroughs of this game! :)

Good luck for your future writing! :)

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For the special ability (mind control, etc), could we get a brief explanation of what each of the 3 entails, in game, before we confirm which we want for our character?
Also, can we get an option in settings to turn off the illustrations in-game?
Enjoying this game so far! Also may have laughed out loud at being called "stumpy" after THAT happens. Quinn is already one of my favourite characters.

Sorry for all the posts, but I have an additional question. Seeing as we could flirt with him, will we be able to romance Kastian in future, and if so, will it be possible to romance him without it being a poly with Melike? I like the loaded rivalry that seems to be starting between the two dragon commanders, and would love to explore a romance with Kastian (alone) in one of my playthroughs.
I understand if that won't be a possibility, but thought I'd ask anyway. :)

Just noticed a bug. After choosing my dragon commanders appearance in game, a short time later his appearance on the save menu where it usually shows is different from what I chose - he has a different nose & different jawline. Not sure why this happened?
Also, in the first part of the game, if you try to quicksave it gives an error and you need to rollback. Not sure at what point this stops but after Matt visits the dragon commander in their bedroom, the error no longer occurs.

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Just noticed a bug. After choosing my dragon commanders appearance in game, a short time later his appearance on the save menu is changed from what I chose - he has a different nose & different jawline. Not sure why this happened?

EDIT: I tried restarting the game twice, thinking it may have been due to a rollback error I got the first time through, and the same problem happens - MC's features change to different ones.

YAY! One of the few games I actually check up on and wait for, it's that good! Can't wait to see what this new update brings. ❤❤