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A member registered Nov 01, 2019

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the platforming in general in this game is actually pretty challenging for this kind of game. this isn't a complaint, i think it's really cool and it's meant to be played be adults so having everything be a little spicier makes sense imho. I'm just stating that compared to like ratchet and clank or banjo kazooie the platforming is relatively difficult.

imho you really shouldn't change anything about the platforming, i think it's really cool and want to see how far you can push it in later levels. but if you're really concerned about people not being able to see all the content like leaf's scene specifically, you could add in a "pity" mechanic where if you fail x (3?) number of times you can get the just skip to the scene anyway.

alternatively if you're convinced the course is just too hard for too large a portion of your players, i'd add a narrow piece of geometry like a rope or a board or some kind of cable between the first roof and the roof of the guard tower, since that's the trickiest part to do, and this is only the first zone.

mighty impressive. very rare to see a lewd game that could actually stand on its own merits as just a game. tbh if you cut the lewd bits you could probably market to general audiences and do ok, its really that solid... assuming the combat gets more interesting outside of this first zone lol.

not that i MIND the lewd bits. personally i'm rooting for more fellatio down the line =P

having played through the demo i think the weakest bit is the music. it isn't BAD but just weaker than everything else, so if you have some time leftover in development it might be worth giving the soundtrack another pass, it feels kinda meandering and directionless, though the instrumentation is very nostalgic and generally fits the scene well enough.

really though, no complaints, this is already above average. good job.

ATLYSS community · Created a new topic REQUEST: hugs?

i love the art style in this game all the characters are so cute i just wanna squeeze the life out of them.

can we have a /hug emote? so we can hug our fellow players? or maybe just an npc that can give us a hug? maybe a nice headpat?

cute but short. another incremental game that takes about an hour.

menus are somewhat awkward since they like to open outside the screen. otherwise no real complaints.

the spell swapping mechanic reminds me a bit of Orb of Creation, which is much longer and deeper. i'm guessing your intent with these is to just make something short and simple, and for that goal i say mission accomplished.

if you decide you want to try being even more creative, it might be worth exploring more "diagetic" menus for this kind of game specifically, instead of relying on raw text, to make it more mysterious and compact.

interesting, shows promise :D
kind of bizarre controls.
i recommend arrow keys for movement/jump/navigation/struggle

z x c v should be your normal control buttons for confirm/attack/block/menu/jump ect

a s d f if you really need more buttons

there is some flexibility with what goes where but this is pretty standard for this kind of game

ideally the player should not need to be moving his hands around the keyboard during play

if you really want to keep movement over on wasd and control buttons on hjkl then leave arrow keys unused and put struggle on a/d because it is really awkward to have to move my hand over to arrow keys in the middle of combat just to struggle lol.

ATLYSS community · Created a new topic very impressed

this game showed up on my youtube feed just yesterday.
i gotta say i'm mighty impressed by the character creator, which is giga high praise from me since i usually don't care about character creation at all lol. you've managed to pack a staggering amount of  cohesive variation under your 5 archetypes, seriously, bravo!

if i had to ask for something i'd ask for more traditional thin whip-like tails with an arrowhead tip for the imp.

mostly i was just happy to see more fellatio in this installment, i'm an absolute sucker for that stuff (haha).
to be honest i wasn't expecting all the variety of mechanics, it's not bad or a waste and i wouldn't want to discourage you from being creative... but i would've been just as happy with the standard corruption mechanics you established earlier lol.

but if you're dead set on playing with new ways for mezz to struggle for control of his mind, i would suggest a kind of "orgasm control" mechanic: all you have to do as the player is help mezz resist the urge to cum, because it's when he cums he loses more control XD. lots of opportunities to put in a little joi or other hypno stuff.

maybe something for next chapter /shrug

anyway, had fun, would come again lmao.

yeah unfortunately most people have no idea who they vote for. they always vote for their party because their party is the good guys and the other party are bad guys. it doesn't have to be this way, you can hold your elected officials responsible. either during the primaries or the general election. no matter how you feel about your favored party, anything is better than someone who has already proven themselves to act against your interests.
politics ain't fun or exciting, but boy golly does it ever matter, especially when people keep giving more and more power to the government in general, and never vote to take that power away.

there's a new-ish project called "heatwave" that is sorta similar on here, much less finished though.

interesting stuff, the crafting still feels very, very cumbersome. but i enjoyed most of the h-scenes. hope for more drug/submission/corruption/mind control stuff.

it may be worth taking a look at the way Doom deals with AI. decino did an excellent video about it and the lessons can be applied most anywhere.

generally when i'm making an AI i try to imagine how *I* would play were i controlling that creature manually, boiling down the decisions to the simplest set of rules.
on the flipside sometimes having dead simple enemies is fine too.

pretty nice, would be interesting to see if custom animations couldn't be implemented as a mod with a tool or some documentation. instead of just skins.

outsource the problem and take the best ones lol.

so this isn't a specific problem with this project, but rather something i've been seeing a LOT lately with newer games. your "default" framerate cap is set to unlimited and when i launch it the first time my graphics card starts spinning up straight to 100% to render the menu lol.
again i've been seeing a LOT of new games doing this and i don't know why but maybe set the default to a nice sane 60 and people can just go from there lol.

... actually i wonder if this is a problem on my end, i wonder if there's some graphics card setting i've missed...

you may also consider godot for smaller projects

played to a couple of the bad endings, good stuff.

i was playing on my absolute potato of a laptop, and i wanted to note that the big huge area with the back alleys and unfinished bunny suit path runs really poorly.

now again, potato laptop, so probably not an actually big issue, i have stronger computers elsewhere so its not like i can't play, so feel free to disregard. but i would be remiss if i did not mention this as it may be evidence of something else going wrong with that zone that may have a compounding effect going forward. i don't do enough rpg maker to nail it down, maybe the zone is just too large or has too many actors, and chopping it up into smaller chunks would fix, or maybe there's some kind of script going awry and just chewing up the cycles, or maybe my laptop is too shit for rpg maker lol.

anyway, had fun, was surprised to see the ear clips weren't making a return, though i guess it makes sense since he only holds onto them in one of the endings lol.

ooooh now you've got me all excited and hungry for more XD

hope there's lots more dicksucking in future chapters, i love su- i mean watching that rabbit sucking dick :D

i don't know what to tell you, the link works fine for me. i left and rejoined just now using the link on this page. perhaps it's only for people who bought the game?

join the discord, someone made a femboy mod you can use, it's not much but it's something lol.

have you considered making the option for a female protag? or maybe some genderbend/swap stuff? i feel like you could widen the appeal pretty cheaply this way with some minimal art edits (dont get me wrong i love the male protag this shit is my jam and theres precious little of it im just thinking in maketability terms)

the "reset" that happens when you lose but don't give in to diesel is a pretty decent solution, though getting through the guards once you've lost 3 times can be a bit of a slog. (not saying the game is hard i actually think it's in a good place i just tend to lose on purpose)

one thing i might suggest is just turning off the mandatory recovery of clothes after that 3rd loss, it's not like he's going to actually fight or keep them on lol.

i always love having the option (more or less) to choose the lewd option and i hope there are more "pink" dialogue choice in the future, reminds me a lot of third crises which explores similar themes quite well.

cute. kinda bizarre choice for default controls, the standard for this kind of thing is usually arrow keys for movement and z, x, and c for your standard 3 buttons, usually z for confirm, x for cancel/menu, c for whatever's left.
played through the whole demo anyway, it's a fine tech demo, everything seemed to work and i didn't encounter any bugs, so good work.

i doubt anyone cares but i thought i'd say it anyway. there already was a game by Shiny (earthworm jim, mdk) called Wild 9 for the PSX.

honestly one of the more quality action porn games i've played, and i have played a LOT of them.

if i could ask for anything it'd be more animations, maybe some group animations, maybe a second animation for each enemy once mind break occurs or exposure is used.

still, i know that's the "expensive" stuff to make, and i'm unlikely to get it. either way, good work on this one. i hope you go far!