cows are sentient beings! but i liked the game even if i am 6years vegan!
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I found what you must do (maybe). You must have "double jump on air". 1) Sit near the motorcycle. 2) quickly press for very short "left" (to get some speed, simple run) then 3) "left+shift" (speed RUN) without jumb (once). 4) Then, "left-shift-space" continuously. You must be jumping on top of streetlamps cause you gain huge speed. It is very hard. I havent succeeded with motorcycle. once, for only 1 second lost.
I found what you must do (maybe). You must have "double jump on air". 1) Sit near the motorcycle. 2) quickly press for very short "left" (to get some speed, simple run) then 3) "left+shift" (speed RUN) without jumb (once). 4) Then, "left-shift-space" continuously. You must be jumping on top of streetlamps cause you gain huge speed. It is very hard. I havent succeeded with motorcycle. once, for only 1 second lost.
Thanks. your writings are fabulus. Your graphics i like them very much. You have also a great fantasy on the erotic content (but i dont like oversize women). Hopefully, i am in 1st chapter, and now i keep separate saves for each path.
Cause of many black screens. I wonder if AI can help you to generate more nsfw scenes. You may ask the help of gamers too, if anyone is a graphic designer and would like to help you...
I liked the environment of the game.... If you can update it easily, you can continuously add content and missions...
PS. I solved the problem with the forest beasts.
PS. I did like the big range of events (ghosts, werewolf, slaves mouse (though of prince of persia!) etc.)
I like it very much. It will be more fun if the chosen body will be on all CGIs too. However, this is too much to ask. Also, i would like to have nsfw scenes more stuff. For example in the tea tavern that you work as waitress, and you try to flirt with three guys, i would like to show more stuff.
Note, i am in first chapter yet. So, please dont post spoilers.
I though going to church, inhibitions may increase. But no. Is there a way to increase inhibitions in 1st chapter by doing something? I havent found a potion or food to do that.
I dont know if it exists but i would like a type of magic pill in order not to get pregnant and get the sexual satisfaction.
In circus, the minder tell you to show off your breasts to random people in circus. However, the only one that they are seeing them in the minder.
I have found annoyed to search for the persons that i must deliver back the things that they have asked. I could not remember all of then where i met each one. In journal you may put the place that you found a person?
The path thing is somewhat annoying. I like the plethora of them and of the unexpected things. You may put an extra menu that you can play these paths again if you like when unlocked?
I went as slave to palace and told to train another girl as slave. My inhibitions was very low 33 and then after cleaning went down to 16. So my question without spoiling me, is there a way to increase inhibitions, and get out of the palace? It is annoying to must clean 5 paintings in palace from 3 times! Either clean them from 1 time (for low inhibitions) or the next time that you must clean them, it will be in an auto mode.
Also, i had fantasies to buy both slaves for threesome, but after i bought the girl, the man was not available (1st chapter yet).
I have killed the bears in forest to take the special plants. Then i assigned to help wood cutters to kill the animal. Nowhere to be found. I have search day and night. I tried to camp also either on the forest or in the first screen. It tells me find a most open area. I dont know if it was meant to camp on forest somewhere.
Note that i have the edition Caliross 0.9.6 (Version 0.979) BUT here it stated Caliross 0.9.18. So i cant remember where i found that version. It is an older or newer one?
Thanks again for this wonderful game.