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A member registered Oct 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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This game is awesome so far! It's appreciated that you support android!

Would it be possible to add accessibility features for electronic ink screens? All the game would require is a setting to slow down or disable animations on sprites (eink devices have low refresh rates).  If a light UI theme was also added you'd be able to run perfectly on these devices.

This project is impressive! I enjoyed how open my choices felt to explore using the command line (compared to listed options in similar games). Exploring Salem's character as the two of you interact was also a highlight, everything is well written and the styled text adds a lot as well!

The more I think about how you'd have to parse the command line in order to make interactions work the more curious and impressed I am. I'd really like to chat about how you manged that if you'd be interested to reach out somehow.

I hope to see this project develop further, you've got something really novel with a lot of potential here.

Really charming game! The level design seems solidly put together with different areas and progressively higher difficulty (though I feel I might be missing something when it comes to the snake enemies, unless you are meant to not beat them).

 The combat mechanics in the game stand out particularly well and there is a lot to play with and expand if you ever decide to. I really enjoyed the position-based fighting style of using differently shaped attacks to get enemies while also avoiding danger through using the environment or sidestepping around.

(1 edit)

Oh thanks for informing me! I looked into it and turns out a bug with the game instance not getting recognized broke certain things (like menus). I fixed it!

Thanks! Yeah the checkpoint is only in the main map which I unfortunately realized after the jam wasn't loading when you hit the start button. I'll release a quick fix for it after the jam is over though! A big request I've gotten is to put a player marker on the minimap, if that's what you mean? It's on my todo list!

Very novel gameplay!

Surprisingly large amount of content as well, especially considering you used both 2D and 3D assets. There's a really strong and consistent style across the game from the levels and 3D characters, the 2D scenes, and the UI as well which is impressive/well thought out!