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heres my game. I will play your game on stream
Hello everybody, I'm currently planning to do a stream where i play some of the games in the Jam. I have already rated some good ones, but even if i have already played your game OUT of stream, im still open to play it ON stream. I know maybe not a lot of people will join, but still, leave your games down here or suggest games to be played. The current date (subject to change) will be 25th of March. Happy jamming and SEE YOU ON STREAM!
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Hey, btw, small little suggestion if you do make a post jam version. Plase specify that THIS KEY is a spacebar in a patch.

I am not a computer expert, but that does not look like a spacebar to me. It looks like the tab key without its letters on top. The rest of the keys are very easy to understand, but the teleport one just isn't.
tl'dr. The controls aren't as blatant as you say they were
The idea was good, the idea was THERE. But honestly, the artstyle is a bit all over the place, the controllers are confusing and everything feels slightly rushed. Look, I still think the game has a lot of potential, and it could get better, but the sheer fact that i cant download it because of a Virus warning, and that the web build has no clear controls, makes it so that the game becomes UNPLAYABLE to me. Sorry, but i didn't like it that much. Maybe you could specify the controllers in the game page? maybe then i could actually give it a try.
Im just gonna plop this here:
Has gotten decent reviews, as well as some unhinged ones. Im going to sleep now, but will play your game in the morning :D
My game is a visual novel about a friendship with a fleshball
I absolutely loved this one. Its a silly little game that mixes a bunch of different types of aberrations, such as stuff suddenly changing places and even a way to fit in chromatic aberrations. In the end it gives to a wonderful experience with awesome everything, although sometimes it may become a bit repetitive, or even the themes of aberration seem to be very on the nose, with the characters literally saying "Oh look, im doing an aberration, LOOK at me, look, look". I guess that was kind of the point, but i personally found it a bit annoying. Another part that had me feel weird were the animations of the models with arms and hands. Even though most of the environment is cool, I cant help but feel that the character animations are very... human like. I have a feeling you did motion capture to create the animations, which is not necessarily a bad thing if you did use it, its just not necessarily a animation style i love. Overall, even though it wasn't a perfect experience, i still enjoyed it, and the boss against the security bot has to be my favorite boss fight in a game, PERIOD.
My game is also a visual novel, but about you befriending a flesh ball
I made a Visual Novel about you befriending a lump of flesh