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Eternally Blued

A member registered Jan 15, 2022

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Oh that sure is cool! Mine's on 3rd so we're almost the same lmao

I got it, makes sense. But personally I'm the kind of guy that grinds trying to unlock everything myself - I already have all the art available unlocked actually.

(1 edit)

What a incredible update! I'm really looking forward to it, as because it would be like an birthday gift (just a couple days earlier)!

But I'd like to ask: what's with that cheat button in the main menu? I swear I don't remember that being there lol. What does it do?

A SCENE WITH BOTH NOMAX AND JULIAN?? Yeah, that's it, Conway is finaly peak. 

I didn't even knew it was possible to bang Nomax and still have high enough relation with Julian to go down on him too! Guess I'll have to replay the whoooole game again for the 17th time, too bad /jk

Anyway, thank you as always for giving us such a good game! Keep on the good work!

I did it, thank you very much! As a precaution, I replayed everything choosing all the alternatives that I thought would led more towards Jules (deeply irritating Wolf in the process), but it was worth it!

Looking forward to see more of your gorgeous art in the future updates!

Not to ask too much, but would it be possible for you to explain how to unlock all 3 images available in the dice game's painted scene? The one where the protagonist goes to get the dice and gives Julian a beautiful vision...

I've kind of unlocked all the available paintings except the third version of this scene 😅. My curiosity is killing me!

I've been following your work on Twitter for a long time now, and I remember well when Conway's first version came out. I played it and thought it had a lot of potential, so I put it aside and let you stew all these months.

After putting it off for so long, I saw that Julian's update had been added and decided to give it a chance and see how the game was now.

I wasn't disappointed at all. Quite the contrary, it exceeded my expectations, by a lot!

I won't go on too long, because I have a lot of praise to give, but EVERYTHING is TOO GOOD. Like, the art is amazing! I know your work and I know your capabilities, but still realizing that the characters had different renderings depending on the light of the environment they were in left me absolutely speechless.

I'm not even going to start talking about the characters because otherwise my comment, which is already long, will get even bigger lmao. But know that I love Julian so much, and I got the perfect timing to play, with this latest update.

I really liked Samuel too, he really gave me two big surprises: the first time when he woke up the protagonist on the second day, and the second time when his secret was revealed in the infirmary. Just, wow. I didn't expect either of them, but I'm all for it.

Nomax's path was something I wasn't planning on following, but after snooping around your FurAffinity and unintentionally discovering some rather "suspicious" art of the character, I decided to go ahead with it. And oh boy, I didn't regret it one bit; I really liked it, in all honesty lol.

Anyway, my most sincere compliments to you and your team who are working so well. I wish you the best and that this game becomes a great success, I hope you can get the support you need to make this already incredible game even better!

(2 edits)

Bro I just discovered your VN yesterday at dawn and I played it all night. It was such a fluid playthrough that I didn't even notice the time passing and when I realized it was already over. I see a huge potential in your story, good to know you're still working on it. I will continue to play as soon as more content comes!

Just one criticism: I played on the android version and I found myself struggling to hit the little buttons for menu, back and etc. My screen isn't the biggest and my fingers are maybe a little chubby, but it was almost impossible to press those buttons.