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A member registered May 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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So excited to work on this project and so proud of all the hard work everyone on the team put in! It came out so charming and fun :) 

Let's chat

Discord - EvilChris#8129

(1 edit)


My team is hard at work on our game Project Date 8! A family friendly adventure game taking place in a speed dating event. We are in need of several different artists, including...

  • 3D Character Artists
  • 3D Environment Artists
  • 3D Prop Artist
  • Technical Artists/ Character Riggers
  • 3D Animators

 In this title, we are using a style inspired by Rankin Bass and modern animated films like Pixar...

You can even play an early build of the game here:

This project is on a volunteer basis and all involved are working in their free time to produce a freeware title over the next several months. If this sounds interesting to you, leave a comment or reach out on Discord (EvilChris#8129)!


~Chris of Digital Rustic Media


We're pretty staffed on writers at the moment, but add me on discord, I would love to read your samples!



We are Digital Rustic, a team of dedicated creators using our spare time to make epicness! Currently, we are on the hunt for several, art related positions to work on our Family Friendly Dating Game. Here is who we're looking for:

  • 3D Character Artists
  • 3D Environment Artists
  • 3D Prop Artist
  • Technical Artists/ Character Riggers
  • 3D Animators

This project is on a volunteer basis and all involved are working in their free time to produce a freeware title over the next several months. In this title, we are using a style inspired by Rankin Bass and modern animated films like Pixar...

You can even play an early build of the game here:

If this sounds interesting to you, leave a comment or reach out on Discord (EvilChris#8129)!


~Chris of Digital Rustic Media

We are Digital Rustic. Not a company, but a collective of creators.

Recently, we reached out on this site looking for various types of team members. We received a ton of responses, but unfortunately weren't able to fill every role...

We are still looking for a technical artist and animators! 

Technical Artist:

We are looking for someone confident in character rigging, familiar with Unity engine and with a familiarity of visual effects and shaders!


All animation in our game is 3d and super exaggerated!  We're looking for people with full body animation AND facial animations experience. We are looking for multiple people; the more the merrier!

Our game is a PG-13 dating simulator where the player is attending a speed dating event and only has one hour to build up relationships with an array of quirky characters!

You can check out the PreAlpha build using the link below:

We are a team of fun loving creators, who maintain a laid back but passionate atmosphere! This project is, as of yet, on a volunteer basis. However, we are looking to build this into a legitimate venture and are currently considering future projects!

If this sounds interesting to you, or anyone you know, feel free to reach out! 

Discord: EvilChris#8129

Or reply below!

Thanks ya'll!


Yes please! Go ahead and reach out on discord: EvilChris#8129

My discord:

Can you do English > Korean?


If you sent an email and didnt get a response please check that it was sent to . I made a typo in the original post... Apologies!

Feel free to reach out!



my team is looking for a Programmer, you can find out more about the project:

and the project itself:

Feel free to reach out!


Hmmm OMAtius4 #0015 isnt working. Just go ahead and add me:

Send me your portfolio on Discord please!

Request sent!

Sure! What's your discord?

(1 edit)


We are Digital Rustic. Not a company, but a collective of artists.

Currently, we are working on a project we've dubbed "Project Date 8" (Working Title)

A PG13 dating simulator where the player has 1 hour to build relationships with various quirky characters at a speed dating event. You can find more information about the game in its current state below:

The game so far has been created using Unity, but as we are still in the early prototyping/ concept phase, we're open to suggestions for alternative engines.

As we are, again, not a company and more a small group of collaborators, we are open to all sorts of talented people interested in joining the project! But specifically, we have a number of roles we're looking to fill:

  • Backend programmer 
  • Gameplay programmer 
  • Concept artist
  • Environment artist
  • Animators
  • Voice actors
  • Translators
  • Writers
  • And we are always looking for Testers!

A little about us: This all started in 2019 when 2 best friends, Chris(Design) and Wesley(Writing) decided to make a game together, slowly we brought in more of our friends. Now we are a team of 4 (previously 6) and we are excited for the prospect of growing this into a legitimate venture and seek to make big changes in the industry, given the chance! We all have day jobs (some of us have children) which is why the project is, for now, a strictly spare time operation; we are a reasonable group of guys and acknowledge that priorities have to come first before side-hustles

Project Date 8 currently operates on a volunteer basis. For us, this is about building experience and portfolio pieces, but most of all: this is for fun. We are discussing the possibility of monetization down the road, but please note that for the time being this is an unpaid, side project for everyone involved.

We expect this project would last about 6 months working in our spare timeAfter this project, we will likely start up another project, so if you're interested you can stick around and help us grow!

If this sounds interesting to you, please reach out with a portfolio or links to your work using any the following:

Discord: EvilChris#8129


Alt email:

That's all for now! Reply below with any questions, comments or concerns!

Thanks! And Happy New Year!


Message sent

Need a Game Designer? EvilChris#8129

Very nice artwork! Hit me up on the EC discord! I'm a designer


Game designer/ artist here. Hit me up! I'm on the discord. Same username