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[Code/Art/More] Seeking team members for an Indie Dating Sim

A topic by evilChrisDesu created Jan 08, 2021 Views: 1,230 Replies: 25
Viewing posts 1 to 15
(1 edit) (+1)


We are Digital Rustic. Not a company, but a collective of artists.

Currently, we are working on a project we've dubbed "Project Date 8" (Working Title)

A PG13 dating simulator where the player has 1 hour to build relationships with various quirky characters at a speed dating event. You can find more information about the game in its current state below:

The game so far has been created using Unity, but as we are still in the early prototyping/ concept phase, we're open to suggestions for alternative engines.

As we are, again, not a company and more a small group of collaborators, we are open to all sorts of talented people interested in joining the project! But specifically, we have a number of roles we're looking to fill:

  • Backend programmer 
  • Gameplay programmer 
  • Concept artist
  • Environment artist
  • Animators
  • Voice actors
  • Translators
  • Writers
  • And we are always looking for Testers!

A little about us: This all started in 2019 when 2 best friends, Chris(Design) and Wesley(Writing) decided to make a game together, slowly we brought in more of our friends. Now we are a team of 4 (previously 6) and we are excited for the prospect of growing this into a legitimate venture and seek to make big changes in the industry, given the chance! We all have day jobs (some of us have children) which is why the project is, for now, a strictly spare time operation; we are a reasonable group of guys and acknowledge that priorities have to come first before side-hustles

Project Date 8 currently operates on a volunteer basis. For us, this is about building experience and portfolio pieces, but most of all: this is for fun. We are discussing the possibility of monetization down the road, but please note that for the time being this is an unpaid, side project for everyone involved.

We expect this project would last about 6 months working in our spare timeAfter this project, we will likely start up another project, so if you're interested you can stick around and help us grow!

If this sounds interesting to you, please reach out with a portfolio or links to your work using any the following:

Discord: EvilChris#8129


Alt email:

That's all for now! Reply below with any questions, comments or concerns!

Thanks! And Happy New Year!



Hello,i can be a translator to spanish?


Sure! What's your discord?

OMAtius4 #0015


Hmmm OMAtius4 #0015 isnt working. Just go ahead and add me:


Don’t you need a composer or a sound designer? check my profile and if interested contact me by: Chinchi el maligno#3653

Request sent!


I sent you an add, would love to be involved in play testing!


I'd love to help if you're still looking for voice actors.

Send me your portfolio on Discord please!

I'll be adding you shortly.

(1 edit) (+1)

do you still need an artist?

Feel free to reach out!


Deleted 4 years ago

Hello I'd like to help program if I can. I've been needing more experience in Unity. I'm interested in the gameplay programming role. I sent you a request.


Hi, Chris, i've send u request in Discord. Want to discuss some project details.


evilChrisDesu, I could offer collaborating as writer, translator and testing-player while for the first section it depends if my coding being the same language & the last one if it's rather graphical based and my laptop could handle it. Still I could view a stream youtube-video or on discord, if someone plays it and I could "guide" the path I'd choose, or if I notice possible bugs, typos, etc. there? On twitch there are way too many lags to view videos in approx. realtime in lowest quality, I guess.


If you sent an email and didnt get a response please check that it was sent to . I made a typo in the original post... Apologies!


Hello there! I'd love to help out as a potential voice actor, writer, and tester! I sent a Discord friend request (my Discord tag is toon#8585). Looking forward to hearing from you.


Hope you’re doing good.

I would love to collaborate with you in your project. 

Kindly reach me at or skype me at live:sofia_6831 , So that we can have detailed discussion regarding your requirement and estimation.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks and Regards,


I would definitely be interested if y'all are still looking for a (female or femme) voice actor!

Yes please! Go ahead and reach out on discord: EvilChris#8129


Hello! Are you guys still looking for writers? I'd love to write for you guys. I can send you a sample of my work.

We're pretty staffed on writers at the moment, but add me on discord, I would love to read your samples!



Friend request sent! I'm callmeren.

Hi, I can help you with translation the game from english to polish. 

Here's my nickname on discord: 


