While the art is definetly well done, I feel a bit silly playing it. But the mechanics are waht impresses me here most.
unplayable because you can't choose a perpective that gives view on an outpost
RTS and absolute control if I understand right
nice idea but a bit simple
I would prefer a more realistic setting I think, Medieval/Sci Fi I don't realy care but I still think it is absolutely amazing adresses the thing that anoys me the most about RTSs, the need to manage everything
This is pretty great, even thought I dislike the visual theme and it could use a lot more complexety
plays well and fit's the theme even better
Good idea and execution, wish I was better at it
I found myself searching for a puse button, but that would not realy fit a platformer I think
nice concept but a bit too random for me
Nice, tricky but not anoingly hard(I usualy struggle with puzzle games)
This is realy cool! Realy fun too.
I think the concept would be great for multiplayer :D