Well I have the Plat Chest on PVGames Patreon so I should have the pieces for the Chracters and it was finding the other assets fine. I'm guessing Windows is bugging out it's ability to find the assets? I know I had this issue with the Philharmonik VST where it would find certain samples but not the rest, I have the files in a folder directly on the C drive due to the character limitation with directories, I'll try placing them on my D drive to see if that helps.
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Downloaded yesterday, I started a new project and decided to open a Character from the Example Project as a base but when I do this RPGTools crashes, upon reloading I can't create a project as the "OK" button is never highlighted no matter what folders I select. The dump file states: "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access." I'm running as administrator so unsure why it wouldn't have access?
Just tried creating a new Character which also causes a crash...?
He's 3 but he'll be turning 4 in February. I accidentally left it on and killed them all but I just left it on in the background to earn some coins, so we now have quite a lot of dinosaurs with a really cool home with lots of scenery pieces. I've been overlaying them to get different looks. Really love this thing.