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(1 edit)

Downloaded yesterday, I started a new project and decided to open a Character from the Example Project as a base but when I do this RPGTools crashes, upon reloading I can't create a project as the "OK" button is never highlighted no matter what folders I select. The dump file states: "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access." I'm running as administrator so unsure why it wouldn't have access?

Just tried creating a new Character which also causes a crash...?

Do you use the version from Humble Bundle with the content package or the version from this page ?

I would suggest to:

- delete the Userfile_* files in the rpg tools folder

- create a new project(keep the template folder and pick an empty folder for your new project)

About the crash dump : Could you please send it to ? Thanks!

If you want you could join the Rpg Tools discord for easier communication :

I download from this page, I can't find the userfile files, where are these usually located? I'll send the most recent Crash Dump file across now, should be with you shortly.

if you have this package please use this tutorial video for the initial setup : 

(1 edit)

Thought I'd edit this to add that all the other editors work, I can create levels, UIs and particles without issues, it's only the character editor that causes the crash.

The example project of the tool contains characters which use graphics from but the character graphics aren't part of the free version of the tool. I will check why it crashes but to create a new character you can just select any unit in the list(Which are only visible if you have any graphics with characters) and then assign the equipment etc. When you are done with your changes you can save it via main menu.

Well I have the Plat Chest on PVGames Patreon so I should have the pieces for the Chracters and it was finding the other assets fine. I'm guessing Windows is bugging out it's ability to find the assets? I know I had this issue with the Philharmonik VST where it would find certain samples but not the rest, I have the files in a folder directly on the C drive due to the character limitation with directories, I'll try placing them on my D drive to see if that helps.

if you create a directory like c:/PVGames and just add the PVGames folder to the tool it should find everything. Did you maybe try to add each character folder manually ?

You can also send a screenshot of your setup to the mail I mentioned above if that doesn’t work