Yes 2 or 3 actually.
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Ideally you want part groups to be under 30k verts to optimize it for lag. The most I would go is 60k but try to be under that. If you want a part to be a store option it will have to be separate. Do your best to name each part group and add a separate material to anything you want a different color and or material type. Youtube tutorials you can learn quite a bit like lambo mods has. I'm starting to do some on my channel so feel free to sub and see what I come up with.
Thanks, that's our other admin Bens Chevy Bison/GMC General you can find on his itch page. Believe he has an update coming for that soon also.
Pierce made a dump to match, I have the logging trailer updated and that'll probably be out today with matching lights.
If you can try it in a folder by itself or with minimal mods and see if it works fine. Then add mods back till you see the issue appear to help figure out what's causing it. Only issue we've seen so far is the real lights on the ground and that setting fixes that. If you're on the facebook page you can message me directly for a quicker response.
Thanks, is it the static light or the real light that shines on the ground? If it's the real light, go into your advanced graphic settings and set light quality to very high or ultra and apply that. If it's the statics I would say it's a conflict and check your log in the farm sim folder for errors. There's a lot of bad conversions out there causing problems.