No, you can’t yet. Check out the changelog to see what has been added.
eXtasy Games
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There was a bug in V0.13 with Alice's quests. It has been fixed, but if you've been playing an old build you may still have this bug in your save file. To fix, please download this file and paste it into the "game" folder.
This enables the developer console. Then load your savegame and press SHIFT+o. This will open the developer console.
Enter the following line there and press ENTER:
$ alice_quest_progress = 1
This resets the quest.
When you purchase the Steam version, you buy the game once and receive all future updates for free. On Patreon and SubscribeStar, you subscribe on a monthly basis, gaining access to the game and all updates as long as your subscription is active. However, you don't actually own the game on these platforms.
The latest roadmap can be found in this post:
ETA for V0.11 is May.
There’s no ntr in the game and will never be.
This variable was meant for dialogue only, where Stacy tells the MC that her boss TRYED to make a move on her, but she got him arrested before he could do so.
But I dropped that idea later, that’s why this conversation never happened in the game, but the variable stayed. Without any function.
I hope that clears any confusion.