You can only take 5 actions. The new symbol is the action that doesn't make your character move. Depending on which secret you have found it might be quite difficult to activate, but the symbol does look like the action.
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Key flower G is nothing?
if you want to get key goat (rot13):
lbh unir gb tb n ybat jnl bire gur obggbz cneg bs gur znc sbe gur gbc yrsg fgne. Ohvyq lbhefrys n ebhgr ba gbc bs jnyyf jvgu gur obkrf lbh pna chfu nf n T. Gur gbc yrsg fgne naq obggbz evtug fgne ner rnfvyl ernpunoyr yvxr gung. gur gbc evtug fgne arrqf n yvggyr gevpx jvgu cncre
Hints are coded in rot13
hint 1: Syvc sybjre tbng arrqf lbh gb trg rabhtu obkrf va gur zvqqyr fb lbh pna gryrcbeg ba gbc bs gurz jvgu ubzr gb raq hc ba gur jnyyf.
Hint 2:
Va gur raq lbh jvyy unir sbhe obkrf naq gjb cncref va gur zvqqyr fdhner.
3 bs gur obkrf jvyy ohvyq n gbjre ba gbc bs ubzr, juvpu jvyy ernpu gb gur gbc jnyy naq gur cncref ner arrqrq gb trg guerr bs gur obkrf gb fgnpx.
Hint 3 tells you about which box is the key to solving this puzzle:
Lbh fubhyq nvz sbe gur gbc yrsg fgne svefg naq or fzneg jvgu ubj lbh hfr sybjre gb trg n obk sebz gur obggbz yrsg bs gur fperra jurer lbh trg gur syvc cbjre vagb gur zvqqyr.
for key and G -> look what happens when you interact with papers as G. there is an interaction you only need once in the game for this very trophy. (Edit: It seems I was wrong. You need the same interaction for G+fire+size. I honestly think it's easier to see it in G+key though)
also there is no flip+fire+G. do you mean flip flower G?
Logan is pretty difficult to romance if you compare him to Bernard, since you have to choose the right things both while interacting with the bandits and with the werewolf event.
You don't have to do those things with Bernard.
But as long as you do everything you need to romance Logan you can romance both at the same time.
You need 5 glowshrooms and then you can go to the day witch or Othra. You can find glowshrooms at Northcrest cave or at the purification lake.
(Also in the main menu you can find a guide, it isn't updated regularly, but yeah. This one is answered in there. I also think you can already get a torch somewhere,)
Also don't forget equipping the item
I don't know if this is already common knowledge, since I suck at this game and haven't even finished it yet, but the place where you have to use a snowball for the first time (the two rooms with spikes) you don't actually have to use the snowball, you can edgeboost in the first room (by grappling the edge on the far right) and then jump over the spikes in the second room with the momentum you still have from the first room.
I figured this out, since I didn't know that you could jump on snowballs the first time I went through that room and just tried to get past it in some other way.
Good luck speedrunning :)