no wonder it keeps crashing, then
I somehow broke it again?
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_player_ship:
unable to convert string "text/html; charset=us-ascii" to number
at gml_Object_obj_player_ship_Draw_64
gml_Object_obj_player_ship_Draw_64 (line -1)
to do it, go past all the alien plants, and reach the area with the bat on the first platforms. The, grapple into one of the blocks and you get inside. You are able to get out by jumping and moving to the right.
EDIT NOTE: you can recreate this on all the platforms on this part
NEW EDIT NOTE: you can do this on ALL platforms in all gamemodes
On a side note... I might kinda lost my save. In regular fashion, like everyone does when losing their save, they would say what they lost. I lost all my tool which were made of steel, my mythril pick, all building and quest progress. I don't know if it's something on your end or mine, but an awful lot of people seem to have been losing saves. Its just... Odd...