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Fabric Visions

A member registered Sep 11, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you I'm glad you liked it! 

And yeah I need to do more testing to find a good balance for all the player stats, as well as making sure the upgrade/downgrade system doesn't break anything else haha, and yes I wanted to add a sprite "blink" when you get hit or hit an enemy to address that issue but sadly couldn't finish it in time, for the bug where pressing space doesn't start the game I don't know what causes it, I think it has something to do with Unity interacting with the website, it happened to me too and I couldn't find a fix for it.

again thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks I'm glad you liked it! And definitely, I want to expand at least a bit more on the game and make something more complete (and less buggy ofc).

Yes I started to work on a "blink" effect so there would be clear feedback when you hit or something hits you but I didn't have any more time, that's something I'll work on for sure

Thank you! and yes when I started the jam I thought the movement mechanics I was going for were similar to Tomb of the Mask so I decided to go more in that direction since I love the game, I really like the fast and smooth movement and it was a good fit for my idea.

Maybe I end up making a post-jam version with more (and better tested) levels and of course with sounds and music haha

Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

and yeah haha with the jam theme I had the idea for the big skull being an unstoppable threat from the start, but yes I think with a few more mechanics and ideas the game could work without it.

Glad you liked the art! I think I got lucky with it and all my first choices felt like a perfect fit, the colors, the art styles, etc. 

Thank you! I'm glad you had a lot of fun playing the game! 

I think I got very lucky while making the art because I usually remake everything a million times, but with this game almost every first idea felt like a perfect fit for it, the color palette, the art style, the gameplay, etc. sadly the only thing I didn't plan that much was audio.

Hopefully for next time I'm better prepared to implement audio haha

Wow thank you! that's great

D U M P E R it's the name of the world in the game, it was supposed to become a place to dump all the trash in the universe but the project failed

Thank you! glad you liked it! 

hey! glad you like it! 

I can’t show you how I made the code but you can find plenty of tutorials that can teach you how to make something similar

Thank you!

that was my main objective something chill but challenging at the same time.

Glad you liked it!

Haha thank you!! I'm glad you like it that much! 

Oh haha no, I didn't use Corgi, I coded everything :D

(1 edit)

Thank you!

Sure! the character and enemies are by goglilol, music and sound by me and the tileset is a version of a tileset by Pxl that I kind-of remade (changed colors, added tiles and a lot of objects like torches, doors, etc) to fit the character and stuff. 

 glad you liked the game!

Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed playing it!

I'm currently working in improving all the code, collisions, etc. So i'll be sure to try and fix that weird control bug. 

Thank you for the feedback! I'll try to add some more mechanics and stuff to make it more complete, and make more "options" in gameplay.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Glad you enjoyed the game!!

yes, sadly I was out of time so I couldn’t tweak the difficulty of a few levels (and some of the collisions), I will check them asap, thanks for the details! 

Thanks! glad you like it!

That's a tricky level for sure, after you collect the gem and you are going back, you need to jump to hit the "ceiling" so you turn around.

I made this gif, so other people can see it too if they get stuck:

(hope you enjoy the rest of the game as well)

Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed playing! :D

Thank you! 

glad you liked it! 

Thank you! glad you liked it!

Glad you like it!

Thank you! that's really cool!

Hey! thank you for playing!

I've added a downloadable version (.exe) if you want to check it out!

I feel the need to work on something using this tileset!

Amazing work! :D

Hi everyone, i'm Lukas from Bolivia and new to game development and uploaded a little project i've working on, hope you enjoy!

"EZKY it's an Arcade fast-paced game where you need to guide your character while going down a mountain avoiding rocks, trees and signs."