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FAIP Games

A member registered Sep 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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In version 0.0.10, yes, only one ending (technically there are 2 endings). I'm working on it. There will be 4 variations of events.

Ok, I'll check it out. In that scene, it works like a simple click button. May be it depends on display smartphone or android version. On all the tests I ran, everything worked correctly, as it should. Thanks for feedback. I'll keep it in mind. New versions are coming very soon and there will be a huge update this summer.

0.0.8 - optimisation update only. In 0.0.9 new subscene in the bathroom.

I'm already working on it. In the next updates there will be subscenes for 1.5 hearts, 2.0 hearts and above. Thanks for your feedback! 

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Yeah, I got it. The Nora scenes are still in development. I'll fix that bug. Thanks for writing!

Ok, can you elaborate on what this scene is? I will check and see if everything is ok in the code.

At the end of this month there will be a new version

I will spend more time on game development and updates will be released more often. I meant it.

It is not an existing person. As a refference face Ana Brenda Contreras.

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I really love your games! You have interesting design style. Which programs do you use? 

I plan to update, with new scenes, at least once a month. But it will be more often if there is good financial support. It is very difficult and takes a lot of time.

Thank's! It’s hard to say for sure, but there will be many variations. Each character has its own hub. And the further you go, the more variations you get.

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No he entendido =) What do you mean?