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fake gamer comics / ashlander games

A member registered May 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Aa this means so much to me ^^

aa thanks so much for this comment ^^ I def wanna work on this story more and have ideas for the next story ^^ 

Hi ^^ you can listen to it here!

the game is very inspired by my daily skates to get coffee ^^

ooo me too ^^

aa nice!! thanks for the great compliment! ^^ <3 there's a new update <.< with a new game mode! ^^ 

aa yeah a lot of it is an Sa2 reference, including the song! ^^

new update out now >:3c thanks for playing!

aa thanks so much ^^

aa thanks for playing >:3 def check out the new update when you feel like it >:3c

new update is out now >:3c there's less particle effects and a new game mode and some other fixes! ^^

the game is updated >:3c def check it out when you have a chance! there's less particle effects! lol

niceeee !!! ^^ 

I just lessened particle effects haha ~ def check out the update ^^ ~ thanks for playing <3

aa thanks! that means a lot >:3 def check out the update when you have a chance!

aaaa thanks! you can listen to the music here ~

AA thanks so much for playing & for the kind feedback! ^^ 

Thanks for playing! ^^ Def check out the pupdate i just released <.<

Nicee! I really appreciate your feedback! Thanks for checking it out ^^ I just pushed a new update! So there's less particle effects! ^^ Also ~ there's a new game mode! :3 and some other fixes ~ like being able to string coffees together to continue your speed boost!

cool thanks for playing! I'll lessen particles in the update ^^

aa thanks so much ^^ that really means a lot!

aa sorry the voice lines will prob stay! ^^ thanks for playing!

also ~ B is def decent & you're not too far off A rank! ^^ There's a few higher ranks also!

thanks so much for the comment! less particles/effects will be in the next update! are there any specifically that are too much? Any feedback is appreciated ^^

I'll also have an additional game mode and some other stuff in the update ^^

aa thanks! I'm working on an update now >:3

niceee thanks for playing ^^

so true! ^^ thanks for playing!

thanks ^^

this is really really cool!

aa thanks so much! idk why but i just now saw these comments ^^ <

aa thanks! i have an outline and lots of ideas for a graphic novel for blu and gralt ~ maybe a game ~ i'm not sure! i'd love to tell that full story though!

aa thanks!! i will make a sequel SOON!! i'd love to update the art and make a little remaster of this one as well haha ... soon! >:3

This is super cool! I'll def check it out soon :)

aa thanks so much!! I've been working on it over 5 years, so it's nice to see how it's changed and evolved since 2018!

Okay! The game's been updated so Pete can't get too far away :) Thanks for letting me know about the issue!

If you press space or z, pete should return to patrol mode and fly back onto the screen! I'm working on a quick update tho to prevent this issue of losing him offscreen! thanks for playing! :0 <3

hey! thanks for playing! i made this game in unity w/ c#! :-)

thanks for this feedback <3 update coming soon!

so excited for all of this! :O <3

Thanks so much for playing the game! I really enjoyed this video!