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A member registered Dec 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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What glitched? Can you Elaborate on this, please, to fix it.

I will add an option to skip dialogues and cutscenes for the final release.


Thank you my friend! You make this possible too.

This is just a small part of the game, the game has a lot more  to offer.

By the way, some people are freaking out with your character D: (which was somehow the point).

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It is a completely different demo,  new characters, new scenario, etc. It is related to, but this is the official demo for the game, the other was just a prologue alpha with almost everything different from this demo. (Besides some mechanics). I will recommend you to watch the trailer to see what is this demo about :)

Thanks! It is a demo for a new upcoming game

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Thank you for your support! I really appreciate it. I created a new version with a low poly character, It runs a lot better, but ofcourse it looks weird if you look directly to her face, so this is why I don't want to make it public, but you can download the game with a better perfomance here:

Shadows are the most demanding part of a game. Also  I'm looking for a way to change the character model to a low poly one but only on lower settings since I don't want to compromise visual fidelity in higher graphics but for now I can send you a demo with the low poly character and you will see that performance will improve a lot.

Wait to see the level where you work as a waitress.

Hey! I just updated the game and this time there is a noticeable improvement in the frame rate. But I can't really promise that it will run perfectly on your PC, since I haven't had the chance to test it on a similar computer, but if you have the chance to try it, maybe everything will go better this time.

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Honestly I dont think it will work yet. But I'm figuring out how to improve the optimization, I think the character model is the main issue. So I will try to work around that.

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Thank you for taking the time for all this. It looks red and bright  because you have the brightness setting higher than default but other than that, I'm afraid to say that the Fps and performance runs poorly because of your PC specs :(. This game is more demanding than all of my previous ones.

But anyway, I will try to improve optimization for the final release and hopefully that helps.

Be sure to try the lastest version updated a few minutes ago!

I found what was causing the game to crash And this time  I think it is fixed, so the game should not close now. I'm sorry for all the inconveniences. But thank you for being supportive.

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Sorry for wasting your time, I've found the main issue, it is not an optimization problem. I wil fix it later. Thank you for inform this issue.

This crash happen when you use low quality settings.

I've updated the game, improved optimization and fixed some bugs related to quality settings. I hope this will make it possible for you to play it without any problems. I'd appreciate it if you could try it when you have time and tell me if it runs well this time.

Also try lowering Screen resolution to 1080x720 or similar that will help a lot to improve the FPS.

Optimal a GTX 1060 or 1070. But I have updated the game, and make some optimization work. Try donwloading the new update and lowering the settings after the game starts.

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Antes que nada, te agradezco mucho por cubrir una vez más uno de mis juegos. Te pido una disculpa por los inconvenientes.

Justamente estoy trabajando en una pequeña actualización que corrige estos errores.  Cualquier crítica siempre es bienvenida y más para mejorar el juego, aún hay mucho trabajo por hacer, el propósito de este demo fue para ver y escuchar las opiniones de los jugadores y en un futuro traer una demo del juego real y después lanzar el juego completo. Todos esos puntos que mencionas los mejoraré en la próxima actualización de este demo. Te agradezco una vez más! Y espero pronto traer más noticias.

Siempre siéntete con la libertad de opinar y dar tu crítica, me ayuda mucho!

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Sorry for the late. I have sent you a mail.

Desculpe pelo atraso. Enviei um e-mail para você.

I can give you a key. Just write me on discord o Twitter, same name as here.

I can give you a key. Just write me on discord o Twitter, same name as here.

No, this is a completely different game.  
This is Selene's game page:

Hey! I see it now, don't know why but maybe you're message was under revision.

What is your username?

Sure!  Maybe discord?

Hey! I'm currently working on my next project, maybe you can help there :)

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Thank you so much! Glad you like it :)

Hey Felix! I hope you're doing well. Just wanted to let you know that the final chapter was release and with it some improvements like voice actors for the main characters.

Gracias! La llorona salia solo cuando interactuabas con un papel jajaja

En que parte??? :[

Gracias amigo! Espero pronto actualizarlo para pulirlo y agregar mucho más contenido.

Wow! Thanks. The pics look amazing!