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A member registered Jan 17, 2024 · View creator page →

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Fascinating. This must've been very difficult. I liked your breakdown a lot.

A potential solution would be to not have the XP elements at all, and instead just have raw stat increases.

For example, lets say an orc breeds an elf, then the child just has a stat increase depending on the girl type. If you wanted to have a Gacha mechanic, you could have exponential growth instead of just the regular increase. That way you don't have to grind as much. The XP system just adds a ton of overhead.

you could also have it so that an orc can only breed a few times before they die/go sterile, so the player will always have a rotating set of Orcs.  

Otherwise yea, looks great. 

it works on chrome + stock browser

Hey, what phone do u have? I tried it on my android (S20) and it works just fine 

That's all i have currently.  Im not sure if the UI for choices is quite good, so I'm still working on it. 

Afterwords theres gonna be some lite rpg text choice stuff with different encounters. 

Since you've read up to there - what do you think of the UI?

Is everything readable? Any big options that you think I should add? Is the music too distracting? 

Any plans of an update? I've been keeping an eye on this game

This is random, but do you mind me making my own game in a similar plinko style? 

I want to start making more short games, and I feel like this gameplay style might be perfect. There's a lot of changes I'd like to make. For example, I'd like to change up the upgrade and defensive system. 

 I'd be coding everything from scratch in godot game engine, and it will be text based with no art. 

This is how I'd add to the tutorial. 

Intro: Spend mana by left clicking inside the green zone. Use 1-5 to select your ball. 

Tip 1: Focus on mana regen at the start. Mana speed is good too

Tip 2: Mana damage is great for stoppiong

Tip 3: Switch up your ball types! You never know when you could trigger a huge combo!

I'll be watching this very closely... 

I hope everyone who reads this is doing well. It's been almost 2 years...

I found the initial tutorial to be confusing too. You're supposed to left click inside the greenzone to make attacks appear, and that wasn't clear to me.

I played the game for  like an hour, and this is basically my thoughts: 

1. most of game is spent just waiting around for stuff to happen. Theres not anything you can really do other than wait. 

2. the initial mana speed/regen is waaay too low. The game really only gets "fun" at mana regen 5 

A potential solution could be increasing the speed of everything, such as enemy attacks.

3. Would it be possible to have popups before enemies attack? I'm talking about windups for stuff like the thief slash attack. They come out super fast and its pretty hard to react in time with a heal

4. that mages random Thundaga spell is super cheap. I wouldve liked some more warning. 

5. I love the hentai animation. Easily the best thing in the game

Good start, but the game design leads a lot to be desired. Very well made tho.

Also, the game crashed at the mage sex scene for me. This was the output: 




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object obj_POS1_XRay_Womb:

Variable obj_POS1_XRay_Womb.Drag(101234, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_obj_POS1_XRay_Womb_Step_0


gml_Object_obj_POS1_XRay_Womb_Step_0 (line -1)