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A member registered Nov 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Ok, i'll try it later with newer windows. Thanks for spending time for resolving my problem!

Windows 8.1 professional. The “0xc00007b/0xc000007b” error occurs whenever a user attempts to run a game and Windows does not find the necessary relevant files. Moreover, it can also occur when you attempt to run a 32-bit game/software on a 64-bit supported platform. It's my fault, that i used different bits. May you add your libraries versions to the game folder? Anyway, game looks cool. Thanks for feedback!

Game setup doesn't include this files:






Maybe my pc must contain those libraries (but, where?), but when i found them in the internet, game crushes with 0xc000007b error.

In the dungeon of second main quest, at the end, in the left locked door i saw parkour section downwards. In the end of that, there was a big arch and empty corridor under it. How to get there without glitches? What it supposed to be?

Also, water physics is weird. How to swim properly?

ATLYSS community · Posted in boars

Yeah, that's all. If you did found secret chest in hub location. (Hint: jump to abyss and look at the library, you'll see it).

Also, how did you merged this big one, if your score is 0?

Thats funny bug. Evan warned about bugs in his announcement video.


Just try not to merge fruits in air. If something is trying to hit you, don't click to drop your current fruit.

Also, it's bad when you insult someone. He made this game for AI training, it wasn't supposed to be a game for people. If you want to play classic game, go and buy it from copyright owners' official ways.

For me, It's cool, when some projects from youtube videos becomes real and playable, especially funny concepts and unfinished stuff.

Wow! Unbelievable score!

Almost a watermelon!

Sadly, it broke on this moment.

30 fruits in a jar, or is it a total fruit count?

If you drop fruit on another, and first one jumps away, second fruit, that you will drop on that one in the jar wouldn't launch this up like the first one. In one hand, you have less fruits, but on other-less energy to bounce. Launch second fruit away like this is one of my first moves to play longer.

Also, it's cheaty to play on phone, because cloud can teleport.

Gosh! That's high score!

Like this?

Try to save screenshot before uploading.

P.S. I love this creepy cloud face.

He warned about possible bugs.

The total energy of the fruit remains unchanged, it only changes from one form to another (potential to kinetic and vice versa). Energy loses only when they connects to each other. When fruits bounce less, game becomes easier (not so "bullet hell").

Welcome to the softlock club, buddy :D

(1 edit)

I have an idea.

This game has no sounds or music. But when i play it, i listen to Evan's announcement looped video on the youtube. This guitar and voice makes this game soooo good. I would be happy, if that audio becomes in-game soundtrack :D

My max was only 216. You're cool!

Also, I love, how this fruits goes BANANA :D

P.S. Sorry for capslock. I thought this would be funny...

Also, why this game is on, if you have your own site?

Add force restart, please. Sometimes when fruit bounces to player, cloud stops.

Also, he said about logisim just as example. You can find more alternatives.

I can't understand question: are you asking how to delete or you can suggest another way to do it? If first, chesk this post:

It's about 250 tics per minute. Maybe I miscalculated, bit i tried my best.

It can't be repeated on this version. He used more updated version of the game.

He has not only this program, so he haven't so much time for this game.

I think, that logisim is more for work. This game made for learning logic basics. But mostly, i agree with you.

(1 edit)

To add itnputs/outputs press left-mouse-button on left/right side of the screen. To group inputs/outputs use + button.

Answer is here:

It's five comments below.

There is the answer (this post is situated 3 comments below yours).

Inputs and outputs has decimal numbers, if you group them (up to 8 inputs/outputs in group). Also its possible to make them signed, if checkmark is on.

I meant name of user of computer. For example, i have two users on my computer and both of them have radically different desktops and workplaces. I setted up this game on my main user space, so i need to find this folder on his space.

Good job. Thx.

Good job, man. Thx!

Yeah, that's true. Sorry, if I answered roughly. But, really, if you look below, every second comment tells about path to the game files, where all projects are situated.

Signal speed is constant. If you want to change it's speed, make easiest frequency generator by register, NAND-clock and adder. Fastest clock signal you can ever make in this game could be made by NAND-clock(I commented one guy's question about clock below, so I made there all of them I ever used [Sierpinski generator doesn't count, because I made it for fun]).

(1 edit)

You can't delete projects and chips in game. All of them situated in:
C:\Users\user_name\AppData\LocalLow\Sebastian Lague\Digital Logic Sim\SaveData
on WindowsOS, and:
/home/user_name/.config/unity3d/Sebastian Lague/Digital Logic Sim/SaveData
for LinuxOS. They named similar as in game. If you want to edit chip, delete old one and make another one.

P.S. I really tired to answer similar questions about editing and deleting in this game. What's problem to read all comments below before asking your questions?

It's possible.

Just make this scheme.

[CLOCK-makes clock signals, if input is "1"]
[ON-constant "1" output]
[GATE-lets inputs signals to output, if POWER input is "1"]
[INC-increases binary input by 1]
Register was made in dev's second video.

In results, we have 8 outputs, which switches on with different frequencies. Choose any you want.

Yes, you can.

Just make this scheme.

[CLOCK-makes clock signals, if input is "1"]
[ON-constant "1" output]
[GATE-lets inputs signals to output, if POWER input is "1"]
[INC-increases binary input by 1]
Register was made in dev's second video.

In results, we have 8 outputs, which switches on with different frequencies. Choose any you want.