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Hi, I'm writing about the Visual Novel "Gli esseri umani sono macchine?" (you can found it here).
It is still not indexed after more or less 44 days. I read the docs about the indexed games and I don't understand if I'm missing something or if there is some problem in my game I did not notice.
Can you help me?
Thank you.
I have a problem: with my old macmini and Firefox 115.17.0esr I do not see anything. With my 2014 macbook and Google Chrome 116.0.5845.187 I see the game, I can move using keyboard, but I do not have control of mouse. Same problem with my ebook reader Android based (Onyx Note3) and touch. I'm missing something or is the hardware too old?
A very interesting game. I made a sort of review here (in italian).
I also have a question: I'd like to continue the game after it ends. But if I try to click on "continue" in the main screen, I revert to a previous save, before the end. Is there a way to continue the game after the "end" of the story?