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A member registered Jan 20, 2022

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(1 edit)

You guys can try out programming for it here:

And yeah, I can vouch for the fact that U$15,00 is too expensive for Brazilians.
People don't realize that the purchasing power of the Real is close to that of the dollar, internally.
Bills come in Real and not 5x higher than in the US. Minimum wage is in Real, and numerically the same, not 5x more, than that of the US.

Therefore, this 5:1 nonsense makes it so it feels to us, in practice, like 65 dollars would to an Unitedstatian.

Do caralho!

Impressionante como fizeram o 3D no PICO-8!

Parabéns aos envolvidos!

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No, GNU isn't just GNU coreutils. Its also not coreutils+gcc+BASH+(things made by the GNU project).

GNU is the name of the stack of the OS we mainly use at PCs and servers. It is synonym for GNU/Linux.

I really don't understand what is the point of losers trying to undermine GNU/Linux, or GNU part of it. If not for FSF and the fight for libre software, we wouldn't have the Linux kernel, or at least a practical use for it. Other variants of kernels, systems, licenses, such as BSD, OSX and the MIT permissive license, wouldn't have resisted the pressure of proprietary/locked-down software and licenses. GPL and GNU was victorious and conquered space for all of these variants as well.

We owe much to the GNU project and the GNU/Linux operating system. Being a jerk to others, on the other hand, won't get us anywhere.

Yes it is. Educate yourself.

NUTS community · Created a new topic Native GNU version


I don't like surveillance on my operating systems, so I use GNU on all of my computers.

I also value my liberty to tinker, modify, and so on, which I wouldn't be able to do on Microsoft's spyware.

Could you consider a native GNU/Linux build?



Are GNU users and self-respecting gamers that refuse to use proprietary+spyware OSs invited as well?

Oi! The game seems fun. Could there be a release native to GNU operating systems?

(2 edits)

America is a whole damned continent, and calling only the United States by that name is downright supremacist. I don't care if you were raised thinking being an entitled Anglo-American is normal, but it sure isn't, and we are majority here in this continent.

"Help a zany cast of scientists SAVE THE WORLD by preparing against climate disasters across America!"

The world isn't the US. The continent isn't the US.

Only a bit of Mexico shows, so it doesn't even count for the northern half of the continent. Its again US in the center of the freaking planet they destroy.

The Third World War, fought against Coronavirus, showed us how the countries most responsible for Climate Change and overall pollution of basins and oceans will deal with the longer crisis: rich, white, and supremacists first. "Amerikkka" first. By hogging supplies, sending UBERMACH-7 jets to steal purchases of medical equipment in China, letting billions of vaccines go to waste and on top of all that playing all philanthropists by "giving away" a small portion of those expired ("expired for us, better species; *you* guys are probably safe") to poorer countries, United Supremacists Anglos showed their true face.

You can't fight a global issue by sticking your head up your ass and berating how number one of the bestests of the best your fart smells.

There is an ongoing global issue that won't go away if rich countries (yes, Europe too, but mainly the US) don't repay the odious debt they've forcibly charged from developing countries meanwhile shoving them with older electronics and marvels of the modern waste.

Rich countries literally forced some countries to buy their trash, while pointing fingers of how dirty said countries have become. Rich countries outsourced production and pollution and pointed fingers and China, Malaysia, Thailand and so on for inhumane working conditions and pollution, even if those countries advanced much more quickly (what hadn't been done in a century) in sustainable energy and means of production.

This game is ecofascism.

This game is structural United-Statian supremacy.

This game sends a much stronger latent message then the explicit one, about "climate" or whatever.

This game is not even libre or open source and it poses itself as "Educational", "Environmental" and "Free" (perhaps cost-free or worry-free, then it makes sense).

This game is douchery.

Acho que ninguém responde vocês por acharem que é trolagem, mas a proposta do jogo é ser auditivo, de forma a dar sensações espaciais com efeitos de saída estéreo.

Ou seja, é um simulador de cego.

Legal o conceito, embora não gostei do nome "Audio Guêimi". 

Deu para rodar até o apito do pai no tutorial, mas só tenho uma caixinha que simula estéreo. Quando eu tiver um bom par de FONES DE OUVIDO eu tento jogar.

I've never seen ground beef in a coxinha. The two main flavors I see are chicken (obiquitous) and jaca (mainly academic circles).

Curiosamente as coxinhas que eu mais gosto são de palmito e de brócolis, e não há nenhum mundo desses sabores. Também não há versão para meu sistema operacional. =|

Very cozy, indeed!

Is there any way to include other languages, like French, Portuguese and Russian? Also, maybe a folder where we can add our own quotes. I did not find where they are stored, but I did not try to manually open all the assets files. Maybe just shipping intructions on how to add to them, if it makes it easier for you.

I'd also like to point out that some people like to do everything via keyboard. While point-and-click games are not viable to do so, keyboard-centered games can, and perhaps should, make it easy to navigate via keyboard.

Is there a way to add tab selection, and alternative ways to control via keyboard? Like space/enter to select a button, up and down arrows, 123, alt+underlined_char, etc. Usually having two or three ways to navigate using keys is the best approach.

Congratulations on your work.

Once a full release comes, I'll sure spread this game among my friends.


Joguinho simples porem divertido. Evidentemente feito por ilustrador. Dá para gastar uma horinha jogando.

Infelizmente não está disponível nativamente para GNU/Linux, mas instalei via Wine, que deu erro em 75% da instalação, mas rodou normalmente ainda assim. Ainda estou na sétima fase, salva normal na pasta ~/.wine/drive_c/users/<usuário>/Maria's Shield (instalação padrão), ou aonde instalou.

A "licença" não te permite muito além de jogar. Eis um trecho dela em Inglês, a qual nem ouso traduzir porque está dizendo explicitamente para não o fazer:

"You must not:

use, copy, transfer, distribute modify, adapt, merge, translate, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Application or part of it except as expressly permitted by this Licence;"

O que é uma pena.

Seria muito legal se este jogo tivesse os fontes abertos e uma licença livre que nos permitisse modificá-lo ao nosso gosto, desde que mantendo algum tipo de referência ao produtor original e passando o mesmo direito ao próximo (CC-NP-SA).

Ainda assim, espero que o autor ainda produza muita coisa legal e que venha para o lado Livre da Força.

(1 edit)

It is wierd how it grabs input:

Usually I can work around my broken keys or a keymap that does not suit me with:

$ xmodmap -e "keycode <number> = <key|symbol>"

 With a bit of scripting magic, I can have shortcuts set up so a specific key chord changes WASD to HJKL, vice-versa, or something else entirely. I can also 'fix' some not-very-good keys for when I don't want to get out the other keyboard.

It only doesn't work for some things (usually) in browser.

So what I did was download the game, which runs on Godot, great...

I ran it and... Still does not respect my keybidings!

That's wierd. Is it wired to the keycode instead of the char/symbol?

If so, that'd be a pain to reconfigure. I guess I'd have to write another keymap altogether, but it is not something I want to dive into in the near future.


Maybe I'll play it on some other computer some other time, without the extra difficulty.

The graphics and concept are pretty neat.

Interesting concept!

Really fun mechanics! I loved the physics on how Tux walks, slides and jumps!

The hitboxes for the trampolines are a bit exageraeted, though: there is one at the bottom of the first pit that should allow you to pass by its side, the one with a short plataform above, that just keeps you jumping there - you have to go back and around.

I'd love to play a dozen levels or more of this. 

It is a pity that it is too short.

Still, great concept. Good work.

Nice little game.

The shooting sound is a bit too high (compare it to the music, for example).

Is it endless or does it have an ending? These things are nice to know.

Also, there is no Highscore, only Last Score. I don't know if that is intentional.

Good job.

(1 edit)

haha funny!

The left arm seems way out of place.

Also, the head structure of a real Rex is more alongated and less round.

Did you know they possibly were covered in featehrs?


That game looks wonderful and I wish I could play it natively on my operating system.

I know there is Wine, and PlayOnLinux, and Proton® and whatnot, but performace

is really best if it is built for the target system.

Maybe share the source code and let people try to compile by themselves?

A plus side of having the source code made available is that users can't see

if there isn't any malicious code in the middle. It as once the default in the industry to

publish the source, and it is becomeing best practice again.

Thanks for the consideration.


I don't run anything by Microsoft, though  (nor Google for that matter).

If you ever post it somewhere else, tell me!

The main character and the bats look very good. The rest just feels unfinished. Feels like kids computer project for CS in school. Lucckly, I didn't pay.

To be a complete game, it needs a lot of work.

Also, the English isn't very good. Maybe foucus on making a good version in Arab first.

Best of luck to you.

Valeu pela resposta!

Beleza, ficarei de olho neste e outros projetos futuros teus.

Considere não somente montar/compilar o jogo para outros SOs, mas também se familiarizar com eles.

Sei que muita gente ainda usa esse "sistema", infelizmente. É um resquício de uma civilização atrasada que usa tecnologias que se auto prejudica, tal como combustíveis fósseis e coisas do gênero. 

Tendo familiaridade com outros sisteamas, não somente ficará mais próximo de pular fora desse navio condenado, como também poderá verificar se está rodando rideitinho e fazer os devidos ajustes.


(1 edit)

Fun and simple game, finally a game that uses resources well (only 4MB!). Could probably be smaller if built natively for GNU/Linux, not for Microsfot's Operating Spyware.

Runs smoothly with Wine, with no tweaks required.

Pelo o jeito foi feito com Unity, o que possibilita criarem verersões para outras plataformas, mas o .exe é específico para o sistema jurássico Janelas. Não se torna magicamente compatível com outros SOs só por ter sido desenvolvido com Unity.

Tá dizendo que roda em Windows, GNU/Linux e MacOS, mas o arquivo compactado zip só tem .exe, nada de .bin ou algo como .love .

Não tem para GNU/Linux. ='(

Jogo curtinho, mas legal. Roda bem em GNU/Linux.

Tem que tirar uma foto para o personagem, o que é levemente chato, mas dá para tampar a câmera ou desabilitar o módulo do PC.

Os níveis são gerados dinamicamente e nem todos são resolvíveis, porém joguei logo de cara no Difícil e em três tentativas deu para escapar do SuperMax.

Tem uns símbolos neonazistas, em especial o que tem sido usado por grupos de extrema-direita ucranianos, desenhados com sangue nas paredes. O jogo é de seis anos atrás, mas o símbolo precede a guerra na Ucrânia. Vai saber...

Poderiam escrever "Toque" na tela ao invés de "Touch". Tela de Toque foi um termo muito utilizado antes de uma onda forte de anglicismo que me pergunto de onde vem.

Vale uns 15 minutos de jogo, sugiro uma contribuição voluntária, sim.


Será que essa versão GNU/Linux já está no horizonte, Daniel?

I see. What engine is it?

Any chance you could make the source (and resources) available after purchase for a self attempt to compile?

Sem versão nativa pro GNU/Linux... =\

Rodou em GNU/Linux para você? Usou alguma camada de compatibilidade?

Estou buscando jogos brasileiros e que rodem nativamente.