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A member registered Sep 28, 2021

Recent community posts

1. Played through it in one sitting. Finished it in an hour and a half, maybe two?

2. I played through the available content, haha. I would go for unlocking the secrets, but I didn't really get any hints as to how to get to them and I don't like just trying stuff at random. I like it when content isn't spoonfed, when you have to think for yourself at least a little bit, but having to stumble into it by chance isn't rewarding either.

3. A little too much walking back and forth around the end. Maybe change the layout of the town a little bit so one doesn't have to keep walking back and forth.

4. Good stuff overall, much better writing than your average game of this genre. I personally would have liked more dialogue but that's entirely subjective. Somewhere around 40/60 dialogue/narration would be my preferred choice.

5. It's a cute gimmick, I liked it. If there was more dialogue I'd probably tone it down though.

6. I accidentally stumbled into the spying situation well before I was supposed to find it, I think, but I can see how that would have been super frustrating. And to echo what others said: around the end it becomes a bit tedious to keep track of the order I need to talk to people to in.

7. The themes used (both story-wise and smut-wise) are right up my alley. Art is nice, wish there'd be more though.

Keep up the good work; I'd love to pay for more of this!

(1 edit)

In the journal I have a question mark on the third spot in the third row. Is there someone I haven't discovered yet? If yes, how do I get started on that person?

Edit: are there scenes for the monsters beyond the first 7 levels of the dungeon? When I click the heart on any of them they just get defeated with no scene.

You need to "beat" Melkor's dungeon by defeating the last boss at floor 28. When you do that, you get booted out of the dungeon (on repeat attempts you can go past that, and the levels increase endlessly). After this you can talk to her and she gives you a new quest, which unlocks the third scene.