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Tristan B Willis

A member registered Dec 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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Np! Fyi I mistakenly did it with an older version first time, but have since uploaded the accurate one

Reduced file pdf has been added to the downloads 

lol no that is not accurate. not sure where itch is pulling that from but it’s now showing up on all my games. 

this one can take between 2-6 hours dependent on number of players and how y'all play. 

What a lovely piece of work! I enjoyed following the story through the letters and swiping back and forth to see reactions as I went. The ending was such a great deviation from the expected structure. I was also surprised at how much interesting worldbuilding came through as I read!

thank you!!

thanks for checking it out!

what a sweet little bubble pal!!

Thank you so much!!

Thanks so much for playing and sharing the video!

Thank you so much for playing and for the kind comment!

Np, thanks! :)

Hey there, this is a tiny game! People have used it to make spells for characters they roleplay, spells for devised theatre performances, and mottos for personal reflection and repetition.

I found this game very thoughtful and tender when it came to navigating a difficult topic. Discovering a new ghost (or more!) every morning was cool, and the mechanic of picking weeds as you think worked really well!

Hey there! Recently released a tabletop roleplaying game for 3-6 players about wanting to defeat and kiss your rivals.

In Superstars: Racing Icons you & your friends play as racing drivers in a universe of your choosing. Race hard. Create drama. Fall in love with your enemies, ally with your rivals, fight with your friends. Do whatever you need to cement yourself as a legend of the sport, on the track or off.  ⁣Winners get champagne, legends last forever.⁣

Superstars: Racing Icons is a hack of the EXCELLENT Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands by Meguey and Vincent Baker of Lumpley Games (you should absolutely check out Firebrands if you haven't already!)

If you like: Formula 1, Speed Racer, The Fast and the Furious, and/or that one scene in Mission Impossible II with Thandie Newton and Tom Cruise speeding along a mountain pass, you might like this! One of the things I particularly enjoy about Racing Icons is how it focuses on the interpersonal dynamics between drivers and how those can come into play in races, and be affected by races. You don’t need to know much about racing to play it.

Racing Icons costs $10. If you are unable to budget $10 grab a free community copies (just scroll down the game page). Community copies are provided on all my paid games for people undergoing financial hardship and are offered with no judgment or questions asked.

Ahhh! Thanks for sharing! Is there another place to check the actual play out? (I don't have DeviantArt account.) If you're willing, I'd always appreciate an review/rating as well - it's a great way to help more people discover the game. :) 

A delightfully spooky story inspired by Arthurian legends (and more!) told entirely through email - I thoroughly enjoyed reading it multiple times and now am a little scared to check any spam messages I get through my website.

Would love to add my game Together / Alone to the bundle if that's still possible:

Hi, folx! Just finished my first!! TTRPG for the Folklore Jam hosted by  W.H. Arthur & Swords and Flowers so I figured I'd share it here!

TOGETHER / ALONE is a GM-less, 2 player game that only needs the instructions, a 1d6 and 8 tokens/chips/etc. You can download it here!

A single Envoy arrives in a new land, intent on inviting this government and people to join in an alliance with theirs. A Local greets them and offers to lead them to the Capital. To get there they must journey together, alone across an unwelcoming wilderness, sharing tales of their people and themselves along the journey.

TOGETHER / ALONE explores the stories we tell about our collective and personal history, how they may be seen as reflective of us en masse, and how that assumption may feel to the individual.