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A member registered Apr 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great video! Thanks for playing and writing your feedback here, it means a lot to us!

We appreciate your feedback, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the game, it helps us a lot! <3

Thank you so much for being willing to play, make a video and write feedback! It really excites us and helps us to see player behavior during the game. Once more, thank you! ^^

I think it needs more content, I didnt find it hard, I think it has a nice level of difficulty and challenge. I think you shouldnt make it easier, but add more stuff to levels, like new ways of playing it, new challenges, new enemy types (with different behaviors), this kind of stuff. Ah, and it would be nice to see more player forms as you pick up way too much pink people.

The end actually scared me! XD Great game btw

Yeeeh, we're very sad about that, but we plan to revisit this game and give the best of us to make this game playable. ^^

Amei o jogo, arte muito linda, mas acho que podia ter um tempo um pouco maior no controle do pato, ou resetar o timer do pato quando outra pessoa rouba o controle. Mas isso é só detalhe, ótimo jogo <3