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A member registered Mar 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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Great game, Foolbox! Make more levels!

Good job!

Thank you!

Thank you John! Thanks for checking it out too.

Thanks for checking it out! I've decided to continue working on this project but I'm changing most everything about how it works. Game of Theseus? Maybe a little, but I'm rolling with it.

I wish I'd had more time, and maybe an artist friend, to have more things to build. Thank you so much for checking it out!

Very cute game!

Thanks for checking it out! The music is actually yet another asset lol. Check out Everloop. Its in the Ukraine bundle on the Unity Asset Store.

I'd think you can do that but upload them as separate files, don't make the new one the webGL build that runs by default and mark the updated one clearly showing that it's not the one to be judged on. Just my 2 cents.

Really, you can do whatever you want. The theme and such is just a suggestion. The point is to just make something. I'm not even gonna try to finish mine, there's not enough time for me to do more than a half finished disaster. But idc. Make game. Learn something new. Push yourself. You can do it.

Thanks! It's gonna be super stripped down and basic and rough around the edges. Time is not on my side. But I'm just here to make *something*, preferably something new to me. Game jams as an impetus to make game, as it were.

Good luck on your entry as well!

I'm just gonna make an RPG-ish thing where you can build... stuff. Seems to fit the theme for me, in the sense that you can change what's in the world.

My internet went out this morning, before the jam started. Then I worked all day. So I only just got started and am quite hamstrung on tools at the moment due to the aforementioned internet outage. Hopefully they can get that fixed when the tech comes out tomorrow.

I've got an idea for the theme, it's something I've been wanting to toy with for a while anyways. I've written up a bunch of boilerplate that I can put to good use tomorrow. It's way overscoped but whatever, that's what jams are about, right?

Anyway, if a 2D artist is looking for a coder, that could work out well. Be patient on the reply times, it's real late here. Posting just before getting some sleep for work tomorrow.

Good luck, everyone. Especially those who give my game a go at the end of this thing lmao

Actually, scratch the sound engineer. I'm just going to use my voice for the sound effects. Been looking for a reason to do that for a while, this seems like a good enough opportunity. If you've got music tracks you'd like to see in a silly game, post up.

Not a bad theme. I can work with it. I hope I can find an artist to join.

Is there a discord we can join to show off progress?

I code. You make pretty things that look and/or sound nice. Let's team up.

Thank you! I still need to add more behaviors to the enemies and change around the spell shooting mechanic to allow for holding down the button and limiting the casting rate. There's a mana stat to add in too but I'm liking the progress we've made so far!

End of day 2

Posted this in the other thread too. Looking pretty good so far, I think! Still using knobs for everything because the artist is still working on finishing some stuff.

End of day 2

Looking pretty good so far, I think. Still waiting on the artist to finish some sprites, so its still full of knobs!

LOL! Yes, exactly. Don't have art assets for your game? Use knobs!

(2 edits)

Download webm here

Artist is still working on assets so... you get a knob, and you get a knob, everyone gets a knob!

EDIT: Looks like I need to fix the video... too bad itch doesn't allow webm directly. They're so tiny!

EDIT EDIT: It won't accept the mp4 version and I can't make a gif tiny enough with the tools I have at hand so... you'll just have to download it I guess.

I would agree. The theme is pretty much the opposite of what I was hoping for. Something general, non-specific. This theme constrains way too much.


Nope. Not missing anything at all. The idea was to make it more strategic, making you think about where your next shot should be, adding a bit of delay between shots. Thanks for checking it out and the comment!

Jumping doesn't work...

I like how I say "community" in the title and seriously most of you are just friends or family. Anyway, onto the actual topic of this post.

I want to know what you all think on this. I'm planning a mobile version of Zank after these next few updates. My biggest issue with mobile games is the interface is usually hot garbage. For Zank, I've got an alternative control scheme in mind. 2 buttons, one for shooting, one for thrust. Left and right tilting for turning. Should make it pretty fun to play. I'm feeling pretty confident that is the way to go for mobile controls but I'm always open to having my mind changed.

The thing I really want opinions on though, is price. Releasing on the Google Play store isn't free. Apple's App Store is even more expensive. I've already paid the fees for Google Play. Zank is coming to that platform regardless. Right now, I'm thinking of asking for $0.99 USD for the Android version. I don't want to put ads on it. I dislike ads in  games. And just, ya know, in general. The Windows and HTML versions will remain  "pay what you want, even free" as will the Mac and Linux versions when I release those here.

Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. $0.99 and no ads or free and have interstitial and/or banner ads?

As things stand in this current version of the game, as the player, you can fly around, shoot asteroids and pick up Zank bits. Colliding with asteroids busts your ship into tiny pieces and you only get to see the pretty particles 3 times before being kicked to the Game Over screen. If you manage to dodge all the asteroids and make it past the bounds of the view, you find yourself in a new zone with a whole new, albeit exactly identical, set of asteroids to collide with or mine. There is a score, of a kind. As you destroy asteroids and collect the bits of Zank, that 'score' increases. I have a purpose for those points. 

The next update will see the introduction of most of the major features I had planned. Sometimes, when you slip past the edge of your current view, you'll come face to face with a pirate.  Or even a whole pack of pirates. And they want your precious Zank. Because in Zank (the game), Zank (the points) are your currency. They are how you'll purchase upgrades like a beam laser, scatter gun, rail gun, missile launcher, or a mine layer. You'll use it to buy extra lives. You'll use Zank to make your ship faster or more agile. You'll spend that Zank at space stations that can also be randomly found throughout space. 

Following the aforementioned update, I'll see about making those play spaces persistent so you can revisit stations you've found previously. 

I don't know if there are any other Asteroids clones that will have nearly the amount of features I have planned and it's probably going to take me quite a while to get all of this stuff working but I know that I'm going to stick with it until the end. I can see this whole game, I'm playing it in my head right now. Eventually, you'll be able to play it too. I can't wait!

Zank community · Created a new topic Bugs

Lives and Zank counters aren't displaying or updating correctly (the things in the upper left). Will research.