You need:1 - Create a NEW text document file called "key.txt".2 - Write this: { name = "your-name", message = "any text", roll_count = your-count-value, key = "$2a$04$yHwFpGfVkq.BPEt8FOhwIOwxtyKVbaMDkXS11uR90taLOVUXCZvEG" }
3 - Drop file on game :)
Have a little bug when you press more than one key at same time!! (that I used for complete the last level 😆😆)
Lovely art style!!
Movies, series and games that show stages of life make me think, well in the end I was to hell😆😫.
The visual is great and the chain effect triggers dopamine!!
Cool game!!
I have some suggestions:
- Enemy project speed - I think that the projectiles are slow and it's easy to dodge.- Reload without dash - A button that reload without dash, like "R".
This is Rolling!! The diceee....
Cool game!! The collisions are perfect.
My experience :
level 1 blue - easy
level 2 pink - normal
level 3 red - easy
level 4 pink - I don't know, I just threw myself
level 5 orange - hard
level 6 orange - easy
level 7 pink - normal
level 8 blue - hard
The game is amazing, the combo system is frenetic, the control is a bit difficult, but with time it gets easier.
The giants hated my shirts, I made it with love, but they hated my shirts :(
Cool game. To me level 9 is the hardest!!
Cool game!