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A member registered Dec 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks mate!

All in this game is hypnotizing, specially the visuals, love it. Nice game!

A classic!! Love the music and the art!

I think i kill all the hamster in this planet, all to save Stalin!

Nice idea!

Nice game! I'm reaaaally bad at it but i like the idea, nice work.

I found some strange interactions when you try to attach to another comet that is in the same direction as you. The character takes to much to reach it and you can do nothing but see yourself die.

Glad to hear it! 

The fastest one is kinda crazy without the visual help.

Thank you!


Nice concept and nice visuals, what else can we ask for?

Nice game! You found some very nice controls for the limitations of the jam.

Entertaining game! You also use all the themes of the jam, nice work!

WOW! I love the idea of the binary controls

Pretty fun! i can't surpass my 77 high score tho