I loved the graphics, and the concept in general; cool game
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Thanks! glad you liked it; I have another game you can check out https://fernandoa83.itch.io/gottafixmyship
Hi I used one of your explosions one more time in this game (I just like them so much)
Let me know what do you think!
Hi I am using part of your cool sprites in this game
Hope you like it
Hello, I bought this asset a few weeks ago and after playing around with the cool sprites, I made this small game
Let me know what do you think.
BTW a few weeks ago I sent you a link for you to take a look at a game a am doing in windows, you mentioned that it freezes using wine, so here is the web browser version of it :)
For my next mini game I will be using your sprites since they are awesome; cant wait to show you my progress.
So after a few months without releasing new versions of GottaFixMyShip (you can check it here https://fernandoa83.itch.io/gottafixmyship), I finally did it and redo the whole mechanic system, now instead of been a platform game, it's a infinite runner; I also added it a small info graphics at the beginning of the game for a few second to show the player how to play.
Let me know what do you think, feel free to leave a comment or suggestion on how to improve.
These explosions sprite sheets are the best, I used them for a small project I am working on, you can check it here:
I am also using some of you background assets; let me know what do you think.
So I have been working on the "feel" of the game, trying to make it more visual attractive; I added a couple of animations, one for when the bullet explodes and one for when the bullet leaves the gun.
In addition to the basic enemy that I already have (something similar to a rhino) I included a flying one and in a few days I will be adding another flying monster that chases the player.

I am still having a hard time on the game design, trying to build a fun game play, on that people really want to spend time with. if you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment here, you can check the game at https://fernandoa83.itch.io/go...
Hi everybody, so a few days ago I upload on itch.io a beta version of a small video game i have been developing on my free time, it's called Gotta Fix My Ship!despite been a game super simple, it's taking me 5 months already just to get something showable.
Here are some GIF of the actual game play, take a look:

The funny part is (and this is my personal opinion) that the hardest part of creating a game is not the coding part, it's the actual game design; you have no idea how many times I have redesign the controllers, the mechanic, the goal, the enemies; how many different scenarios I have made that didn't make it to the "final" version.
It would be great if you check my game, you can find it here https://fernandoa83.itch.io/go... let me know any idea or advice o how to make it better, more fun to play, etc.
Hello, so I am releasing today a demo of an small video game I am working on my free time, it is called Gotta Fix My Ship! your mission is to repair your ship by collecting the missing pieces so you can leave the hostile alien planet you just crashed in; with each piece you get a bit closer to fix it and in addition you get a bit more time before the planet explodes.
The game is also influenced by the old times shooters so you get points each time you hit an alien life or a rock.
It is still far away to be a full game but let me know what do you think or how can I make it better.