Hi everybody, so a few days ago I upload on itch.io a beta version of a small video game i have been developing on my free time, it's called Gotta Fix My Ship!despite been a game super simple, it's taking me 5 months already just to get something showable.
Here are some GIF of the actual game play, take a look:

The funny part is (and this is my personal opinion) that the hardest part of creating a game is not the coding part, it's the actual game design; you have no idea how many times I have redesign the controllers, the mechanic, the goal, the enemies; how many different scenarios I have made that didn't make it to the "final" version.
It would be great if you check my game, you can find it here https://fernandoa83.itch.io/go... let me know any idea or advice o how to make it better, more fun to play, etc.