I think this is a legitimate critique. When I initially wrote it, the whole thing was much more specific about the scenario and included direct connections to the real world. The idea was that players could use news articles, wikipedia pages, FEC data, flight schedules, etc. to beef out the simulation of being the president's lawyer (who mainly goes on television and sneaks around Europe rather than actual lawyer stuff.) The idea was to have it be absurd and set so the PC could rarely ever pull off their task successfully. Unfortunately, I came to the conclusion that it was safest to remove over references to real world figures and events and instead have it be more generic. I think if I were to expand it now, I'd build in tables and guidelines to flesh out the contours of the scandal, create NPCs, determine where information can be obtained, and to randomize some elements of the PC's background to add flavor. I appreciate your feedback!
A member registered Sep 23, 2019 · View creator page →
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You're not a hero. You're the president's lawyer.