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A member registered Jan 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the feedback ! We've used KeyCode instead of Axis, and we wanted to add a "settings" menu so the player can change controls but we didn't get the time to implement it.

Thank you, I appreciate the feedback !

We were short in time to add this feature but we'll add it in a post-jam release.

Thanks for the feedback ! 

We made the game using an"Azerty" keyboard that's why the controls feel weird on "qwerty" one. 

You need to jump using the space bar to get up in the level and catch the others (you can also double jump).

Thank you ! Happy that you liked it,  I was afraid that no one could finish the level because we were running out of time during its conception.

And yes we are planning to add more level with a better flow  in a post-jam release :)

Thank you for the feedback :D !

 I agree this level is actually quite hard sadly we didn't had the time to test it a lot! 

 it would be cool if you collect a spirit, the sound goes down, so you have more time.

Yes we've been thinking about it, we will add this feature in post-jam release in addition to bug fixes ! And for the controls its because we are working on azerty keyboard so we will also fix that.

Thanks for the feedback. The Post Jam patch will fix the jump, smooth the camera in addition to minor bug.