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A member registered Mar 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Did you try to download it again? It's working for me.

Did you get any error?

Maybe I should try to make it playable on the browser...

Thank you.

Like I said, this framework was in a state of eternal prototype. MVNA jam gave me a reason to work on it again!


Moi aussi j'ai écrit un VN en français pour NaNoRenO. Quelle surprise de constater que je ne suis pas le seul à l'avoir fait !

Un peu difficile à suivre, quelques coquilles et erreurs mineures dans les dialogues (majoritairement un portrait qui apparait alors que c'est le narrateur qui parle) mais l'univers SF est sympa. Bonne expérience dans sa globalité.

For sensitive people like me, it was rather unsettling. Got the jumpscare game over on phase 3 and I was afraid to get another jumpscare from there to the end.

But the VN was nice.

(1 edit)

Known issues as of 1.3, will be fixed for 1.4:

  • Notify Item Gain - In Test Troop Battle (editor), the message displays before the battle starts - FIXED
  • Victory Quote - A dead party member can say its quote - FIXED
  • Custom Bubble - When the screen shakes, the picture doesn't move with it - Not specific to Fflobox, happens to regular Pictures too
  • Slightly Better Window_MapName - For some reason, the rectangle Picture pops in and out when you exit the party menu inside a map that triggers SBW_MN - Reverted the script, it displays just the map name at the center, without any custom frame

Just one. When you finish the game.

Could have added more endings since it's a horror game.

I could've added Japan, Austria, Belarus, Ukraine, Finland, etc. but it would've been hard to define stats to each one of them without risking duplicates.

Thanks for the review!

I don't know if it works on Mac.  Maybe try opening the .html file in your browser?

I think I know what you mean. The background is actually a random image for the logo. It doesn't appear in-game.

Did you unzip the folder before opening index.html?

The Fflobox now has a video to showcase its scripts!

Little teaser: You can see a new script in action in this video. I will add it to v1.2.

Most RPG Maker users cannot understand RGSS (stands for Ruby Game Scripting System) as this language seems inaccessible to them.

I've been creating short scripts for RPG Maker VX Ace since a year. They are integrated to the Fflobox, a starter-kit that showcases them. You need to own RPG Maker VX Ace in order to get the scripts. However, you don't have to get the program to just try the starter-kit.

I published a new update to the Fflobox on November 18th. The Fflobox currently has 10 scripts inside. Most of them come from previous games I created.

The full list of scripts is on the Fflobox page, as well as all information about attribution.