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Brilliant little casual experience, I sunk probably half an hour into trading cheeses and donuts, it's when it starts to feel easy that you will notice how much money you're losing by not doing the math. A way to take this to another level of crazy is if you had another game mode where you were required to have x amount of money every every y time so there's a bit more pressure on the player to not sit and wait for a great deal to show up. A great and funny execution, nice visuals and a sweet take on the theme as well. gg Daniel
Thank you so much, I was so disappointed in my entry for the jam so your kind words mean a lot to me. I didn't even realize I forgot to mention any of the controls, it was all really rushed at the end for sure. The map screen was pretty much the very last thing I added so I'm aware of how broken it is, and it's the first thing to be fixed as I continue to try and make this into the game I wanted it to be. Thanks for checking my game out!