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A member registered Feb 19, 2023

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Really like the art/direction; a lot cool skills right up front - once I picked up the key to the first door though, my character got stuck/pinned in place, so I could not progress :(

When is Horse Girl Adventure 1993?

I really enjoyed this - I do wish there were a way to accelerate at times, especially after resetting a failed run :D

Fun art, great mix of utility + combat abilities - really enjoying the game. I could get lost in a game like this. Really appreciate the directional pointers indicating when you need to backtrack to use new abilities and the like. Really well executed, well done!

This game is epic. I loved it. I don't want to spoil the ending - try not to read the credits if you don't want spoilers on a loss ;) 

I really love the money mechanic tied to keeping employees alive and decursing them. The zombie waves are also great - just all around well executed. You could really build this game into something special, imo. Don't stop now :)

At first I was a little frustrated/confused by the game. I shot the enemy, I jumped, and found out I couldn't hit some pads because they were simply too far. The floaty controls had me a little frustrated, especially when on restart I'd go flying off a cliff before realizing the game had started. I had noticed the gun had kick, but hadn't put 2 and 2 together to realize that that could boost my trajectory, too. 

..Then the game became a blast. Extremely difficult with one life - cool effect that the minions destroy your platform if you stick around too long. The boost and bane effects as you progress made it more interesting/challenging. 

Ultimately, great entry and worth checking out - once I got passed the learning curve it became a ton of fun. I didn't make it terribly far (I think I got through 3 bane/boon effects in one session), but it's a great concept and lots of fun.