If you're still trying to find a team, mine is looking for Unity programmers! @fireheron on discord
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Hi everyone! I'd love to team up with some people on this game jam. I already have a 2D fantasy asset pack with animated characters and enemies that I think will be perfect for this. I've created procedurally generated levels before using these assets (Game link with screenshots to get an idea of the art style), but never for a roguelike. I'm looking for people with programming and / or audio design skills to make something fun!
Disclaimer: I'm only able to work on this March 2nd to the morning of March 7th as I'll be out of town after that
i like the concept, very solid and can lead to an exciting precision-platforming puzzle game. however it feels pretty misleading to teach players that each color related to a certain size ball, and then immediately go back on it with level 3 telling players that yellow is now random. i think random size platforms could be a fine mechanic if indicated by a different color, but then again it also feels a bit unfair to the player to make success random in a precision movement game.
the size controls could also be easier to pick up if they were in line (a, s, d for example), or configurable even.
the collision could use a bit of polish as well. I was able to move through walls as the ball grew even though it was the incorrect size for that color. it looks like you're using a box collider on a circular character, which is a little visually confusing to me. i could see a circular player collider being difficult to work with so maybe try out a square player.
one last minor thing, in the tutorial i fell off underneath the z platform and the level didn't reset. i ended up having to reload the page.
fun game! a little menu navigation polish would go a long way (having the car and level selection be choices made after clicking start rather than being prerequisites for example). Also the wheel spin was a bit confusing. In my mind, it should be clear where the "win point" is on the wheel (even if the spinning wheel visual is totally unrelated to the random roll happening in the code). Think of how counter strike does their loot boxes and how there's build up wondering what item you're going to land on. one other very minor thing was that my car was facing sideways at the start of levels 1 and 2.
Great idea for a memory game, super fun and easy to pick up. Only real critique I can think of is to make sure the next net doesn't spawn too close to where the fish is. I accidentally swam into one while waiting for the next set of food. Might not be feasible in order to keep players from forcing nets to spawns in certain places, but maybe something to test out.