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A member registered May 15, 2017

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Yay Hermit is okay!?!? I got so worried cause all the games went down and the socials vanished. 

I was 51-49 on which it was, leaning a tiny bit towards burner. Cause I was reading it both ways, so I never picked it. 

I was just playing the new update and had a question. I meant to ask earlier but forgot. There's an option in chapter... 4 I think. When the burner and sweeper interact before the book is burned. There's a romance option that says something like, the MC feeling jealous when the burner saves the sweeper from falling (the other is MC feeling proud of their burner). Is it a burner or sweeper romance option? I could never figure out which. 


Glad it's not just me 👀

I will be waiting in anticipation for the next three days for this. It's honestly become one of my favorite IFs from the get go. 

Also a major point that I like to add. I have a medical issue in my hand that makes it very twitchy and shaky sometimes. I sometimes click on things by accident so many times a day. I don't want to have to restart from the very beginning if I accidently click something or even just make a choice I end up hating. I just started playing this a bit ago and had to restart about 7 times already because of it. 

As was pointed out in the new devlog, the game was for some reason automatically in Korean when it was opened. I couldn't translate well enough to figure out where the language switch was. 

ah had no clue. the only time I could play side quest was when the first one was the special diet one. that is the answer that made me so mad. 

Wait I'm so confused. Why is it in another language??? It's all now in...Korean I think? 

Maybe add that the word needs to be lowercase? I did the first side quest and I was raging so hard cause I knew the correct answer but had to find this comment to see it had to be lowercase. 

Honestly it's just clicking the right note fast. You have to click the correct first note before the second one pops up whatsoever. Then click the correct one there. If the secondary one shows up before you click the first one, you missed the window to do so and it's missed and/or incorrect. Don't let the second note appear after the first without clicking the corresponding correct note to the first that appeared. 

Helpful tip if using keyboard and mouse, move off the notes between clicking. I ended up messing one try up by a single note cause it thought I was still on the top row note instead of the second row note.

Is it possible to get a download of this? The browser version legit crashed chrome on me. 

I was so confused then I realized which game dev this was. Reed! My favorite grump! Now time to see if I can figure this out, I suck at math. 

Question. Is there anything new added to the paid version? Just asking for those of us who already had the game and wondering about that.

OMG I figured out the battle mechanic!!! I tried what others said and I either did okay enough to pass through or failed so bad Tori yeeted me through the mirror. But clicking the first note BEFORE the second one would appear got me a flawless. You DO have to hit both notes, you just have to make sure you hit the first one before the second shows up. 

What did you click to show the second note? Cause when I tried to click or wait for the second note, Tori yeeted me through the mirror. When I clicked both notes, I got a passable. 

Wait people found it confusing? I mean it seemed pretty clear cut what was going on to me. 

Bug found. The prince Nikon heart interactions are flipped. Choosing one gives the opposite reaction. The look  away has MC smile, while smile has MC look away. These two: You feel your heart speed up. You weren't expecting to get a reaction. You look away quickly ❤️ -- Your heart races and in the face of the unexpected attention you take the chance to give your most charming smile ❤️

2. And we now have dialogue indicators! I'd been thinking about adding them in for a while and then someone brought them up in the Discord and said it'd make it easier for my readers who aren't good at judging tone from text. Which I thought was a really good point, especially since what you and I consider snarky or grumpy might not be the same thing. The symbol key is under the "information" tab. (If I'm missing indicators anywhere, just let me know.)

As someone with the emotional literacy of an actual brick, thank you. 

THIS! This was it! Thank you so much. 

It didn't pop up when I had tried a similar route before so I had ignored the possibility it was there in class. 

No not yet. I tried a lot of options and still can't find it. I think it has to be a certain few options together near the start (as the first two are from the library scene, sitting on his lap and ignoring him which he ends up beat up). I thought it must be the 'bribe' option but none of them worked. 

Double checked and that one is the first of the second row. If it helps, the first of the top row is when you sit on his lap and the second is him getting beat up. 

I need the third of the top row. I thought it was the front facing one of him sketching us but that didn't do it so now I'm just lost. 

I had thought the studio name was familiar when I saw that story! 

Oh good to know. I've been meaning to play this demo but couldn't find anything about the possible release.

OMG an update!!!

Nah same, cause that's what anyone would think. With an actual in game timer, it seems to be telegraphing to use that, not the option that seems to be going against the timer.

They do yeah.


So glad I decided to hop back on here again today instead of just leaving it at my daily check. 

Well major bug in the new version. It literally won't let me save. 

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 383, in __call__, extra_info=save_name)

Exception: Not saved - no valid save locations.

(1 edit)

v7.0017 complete Win version: Tata's darkside timer seems bugged. After being with him the first time, it stayed on screen. Then the next time we got busy it vanished then refused to come back. 

It's supposed to be released pretty soon. 

Was replaying this again and found a bug. Following the walkthrough so I know I'm doing things right. Trying for the Sans route, I picked astrophysics and legit can't get past the tenth floor. No matter what it makes me go back and call the cops. (Literally did all the same things but with biology and it worked fine.) 

LET'S GO!!!!

This site is hating me the past few days (IDK what's it's trying to do to me but my feed is messed up royally) but so glad I just got the intense urge to see Hawk today. 

Was the game actually updated? Cause it still says it's the version that I downloaded the first of the month. 

If you pick the ghost/WD then show Paps the picture, there is no choices. You just get stuck. 

Ha I never noticed that. That's the funniest thing ever. That means Sans was just chilling watching the fight eating a chimichanga.