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A member registered Jan 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Also, the definition that more English speaking people may readily think of is the action of moving or doing something with haste (really fast).

As the description states, it’s up for interpretation.

If “Sky High” is a melody you can hear on the radio it’s most probably copyrighted. You’re not making money out of the game so nobody will make a big deal out of it, but you never know. One rule DOES say that you SHOULD AVOID adding material you don’t have the copyright to or are not given express permission to use.

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Using python instead of any engine only means you’re going to use your own one. This is very OK. From what I remember there was pygame, a very good library that can help you. Oh, you also mentioned it… nice! 😆

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I’m going to show you guys the game once I make it playable. I like to join the jams in the idea that I get some free time sometimes from work or household chores so it’s a gamble to be able to build something. I love that I can practically write the game on my mobile phone. 😁

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I’m not gonna make it to submission time, but I’ll continue the idea I had in mind. Hopefully I’ll get more organised next time, though.

This is a mockup:
A mockup

Excellent! Then there’s one fewer reason to stress about. I hope you do get to participate and have fun!

Has there ever been a blacklist? I’m trying to join to, but if I can’t make it, I’m expecting to just not win, not to be blacklisted from future jams. All in all I know one can choose to exit at any time before submissions end.

I noticed there’s some tearing happening sometimes on the PC and it’s down to the engine itself.

Thought about the obstacle spacing and if the numbers are just right you could have a run with very few articles; at least until you get to higher times. Even then the more athletic would like a better challenge. Maybe I could add a difficulty selection.

Coins are a very interesting idea. I’ll have to do that to sometime!!

Awesome! :D The speed will gradually increase until 360.

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Thank you very much for the nice words!! 🙇‍♂️

TIC-80 is a project similar to PICO-8 with a lot more flexibility. I like it more than the latter because I can work on a smartphone, and since I get limited time to work on these it helps a lot.
Because of the limited time I can allot, the game doesn’t yet have a menu, a high-score table, sound…