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Flamez Plays

A member registered Oct 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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It was short and simple, but had a good unsuspecting scare. I ran through it a few times thinking there were multiple endings because the exit door unlocks early.

Loved the non-euclidian design, it played very well and the sequences were solid. The sound effects were impactful, and the whole demo had an air of uneasiness throughout.

This was a lot of fun, I loved the cameos and I nearly freaked out when my favorite scary movie was the only option.

I like the setup the demo provides, and how it gives you a taste of the gameplay mechanics/story.

Having a 4 month old myself, this was pretty accurate.

A game that builds up it's story slowly and fills you with dread midway through, only able to witness the characters descent into grief. Great pacing and storytelling, with some pretty tense moments.

It's a bit rough around the edges, but the atmosphere is good and with a bit of polishing and further development I could see the full game being pretty fun. Also, the toilet flushing absolutely broke my brain.

It really makes you wonder what will be the payoff, with so much weird tension and the slow mechanics really play into it well.

I get what you were going for, but it fell into a lot of the problems that new devs run into. Looking forward though to how you keep at it, I love seeing new developers get better and better.

The build up and red herrings were fun. This is the kind  short session horror I love.

Absolutely amazingly adorable and the not so adorable sequences were great. Subversive horror is my favorite genre and you nailed the creepy build up with a really solid payoff.

I liked the vibe of this, it reminded me a lot of Sylvio but the tory was a bit confusing and the mouse cursor didn't show after dying to the monster/reaching the end.

Full of a mixup of gameplay styles that play off each other pretty well. Personally, the DoodleBob section was top notch, but all of it was fun when I wasn't being an absolute idiot.

A nice take on the backrooms, blending the levels together with a certainly creepy looking threat.  The biggest threat though is having to restart the entire game every time you die, and you will thanks to traps or weird enemy placement.

Amazing work at building not only a very isolating environment, but having an enemy that is actually pretty damn terrifying if you're not expecting it. Great job!

Thanks for playing! I'm a solo developer, and really appreciate your video on Coaldust!

Thanks for not only playing, but making a video on my game!

The monster does start off slow, but I wanted to make it more of a growing threat. Each generator after the 2nd makes it go faster, and after the 3rd generator it will zero in on the player instead of roaming. 

Definitely captured that creepy vibe of analogue horror with a funny take on it.

Really awesome work building up a creepy experience, and making it into something heartwarming.  Also totally guessed it on the genre of movie.

The monster having the solve the puzzle was great, I loved the chase sequence at the end, but the only disappointing part was that having to respawn removed the amount of tapes I had collected.

Went pretty hard on the PT inspiration, but it does look good and I'd love to see how you can get past the PT similarities to make it your own thing.

Glad to hear you tweaked the TV puzzle, because otherwise I really enjoyed the design of the killer and house.

It looks interesting, but there's no guidance, no real indication on what's happening, and I managed to break the game.

I really liked this game. It was a bit basic but the gameplay was pretty to the point and I didn't run into any major bugs. I would suggest though increasing the draw distance, at least for buildings, as it's so easy to get lost. It's really complex with how all the items interact with each other, but it was a lot of fun.

It came off a bit goofy, but not in a bad way. Some weirdness, creepy models, and cleaning up poop with a broom. Pretty good.

Perfect mix of absurdity and tension. Loved giving voices to the characters and the reveal was well timed.

The levels of depth this had was great, and I loved the more subtle scares that led up to the big ones and how you worked a 4th wall break into the ending.

Such a simple game, but packed a lot of tension into it's short playtime.

I liked the idea, but going into the trailers felt like such a choke point where if you didn't bait the clown FAR away you could very well be completely screwed. Otherwise, great work. It's the second game I played in this video.

Pretty fun little game. Awesome creepy monster design, but I didn't understand how you end up dying to it. I played both of your VHS Tapes games and this was the first.

Nice work making a creepy but cute game, it was way more than I expected from a game jam game.

(1 edit)

Would have been cool to note that this was a "demo". It's the typical Yahaha game; giant warning that a monster is appearing, props that make no sense being there, giant voids in the map.

Seriously one of the biggest scares I've had in a while, and it was so simple. Great game, solid pacing and a funny story with enough to warrant a second playthrough or three.

Really awesome work. Puzzles and gameplay make sense, solid scares without becoming overbearing, a very weird but enticing story. Overall a great point and click horror experience.

It's a fun little time killer (ha) with some unique weapons. Just wish I had a bit of a better idea of what was going on.

For your first horror game, this was impressive. The scares started off subtle until it grew into a panic. Great work!

A nice showcase of scares and creepy design, but it didn't really rope me into the story or gameplay. I'd love to know at least a little bit about the disappearance or story through the demo.

It does get a bit long winded having to go back and forth in the beginning, but that train made it all worth it. Nice story, good scares, and a fun time. Great work!