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A member registered Sep 28, 2022

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I can't wait for it to come out and be finished because I always wanted to have some more porn games in the Minecraft Universe and I feel like it it generally isn't touched enough like Pokemon games up here on this platform I would love some more in-depth Pokemon Hentai Hentai games which allows you to actually you know fuck the poke your Pokemon or like people you have options but you would have to like beat them in a Pokemon battle first

Here's some ideas for some updates I think some combat animations would be cool it doesn't have to be full on animation more like a attacking Sprite or a kind of stop motion type of Animation where it's just the enemy thrown out a generic Punch or for succubus a kiss you know like in the early days of Pokemon even though I would love some sex animations but I know animations take time and it's hard to do so I'm not going to give you any more work to do although another thing I would like is definitely some direction in how to go upon the story because even though it's fun it's kind of hard to fully understand where to go and what you need to do

Keep up the good work I can't wait until the game is finished but I'm probably not going to buy it because I'm broke

This might be a glitch or something because for some reason I can't move anymore after I did the relationship stuff with the half dog girl and went to bed I got a quest at that moment and then I got stuck to the bed

and this is why suggestions are called suggestions and thank you for taking the time to reply back to me and I really didn't mean to double your workload I'm sorry keep up the good work I love the game and it's great although I hope there's a way to save everybody in this game because I'm starting to grow attached with some of the characters and another suggestion maybe add some voice acting although that would probably be even harder and more work

Maybe you can add some mild character customization to the game

Yo can I just say I love your game bro not because of the porn but also because of the story is really good but I do have to say I do want a chance to like when playing the first version and the second version to have a chance to get these female supporting characters pregnant because not only for me it would be realistic but it will also add another sexual aspect

Yo please develop a Android version soon by the way I just want to save the game looks amazing from what I've seen here and I know a lot of PC players have enjoyed playing this on their computer


Bro, can you please make these separate version packs? Please, because I don't want to download.

Keep up the awesome work and those who have played the game.Please tell me how it is.I'm stuck on Android.I don't have these devices.Please tell me how is the game

This point since we're banging, all of them might as well.Add an event where we can actually marry them

Thank you

Sorry to hear Patriot is down my guy.I already heard it from the do.That makes corrupted Kingdom just keep up.The good working people find a way to support you.Thanks may seem bad now but don't worry things well work out

Yeah I just got a wonder what is the best way to getting money fast in this game because the parts to upgrade her are expensive

Allow us to get these girls pregnant. I want it so bad because I want to also do it with them While they're pregnant

And thank you

Thank you

I understand and still I love your game and keep up the good work bro

Hey bro, awesome game continues to make it greater greater. But I was thinking. Maybe you could add a character customized feature for the main character because sometimes.  A player just wants the character to look like us. And it's just gonna be basic like just 2 or 3 hair styles and be. Able to change Hair and skin color

Hello, dear creator I'm having trouble. Continuing the rest of the story and I was wondering. How do I do that

Bro I can't believe this game is finally complete. You came a long way, dude and I congressionally. You and your team were working so hard. Thank you for giving us a great porn game

Yo i'm not one of the Shark girl supremacist, so I do not know. But be careful. You might get some angry replies

(1 edit)

Yo bro, I've been seeing you're going in recently. Although I have to ask you, please take a break. You're blessing us too Much you've been working hard man so you deserve a nice vacation

I'm just gonna ask because I know most of us thought it. Will you add pokemon wifu as in the wifus that are pokemon

Well I hope everything works out for you I hope your game does well even though I can't personally play it I will keep supporting you

I know you get this a lot dude but I've been wondering will I have to wait until the game fully finishes until there is a Android version release or is there somehow a way for me to download your game for Android somewhere else

dude you can choose any dancing you want I'm okay with it but I agree with you Nintendo are the kings of Ruin either fan or people that just having inspiration from their projects even if it's completely unrelated to them what is that noise how can we see what they will do to just people putting free mods on Zelda so I get you

I know right it would be cool to see a Ben 10 parody with all the Ben 10 girls including Gwen or a Pokemon game where we play as Ash and basically and this was for the furries and have him with some Pokemon like is bayleaf and all the fans that like shipping Ash with his different female companions

I hope your game keeps getting better and better although I wish I can play it as a mobile player but keep up the good work

At this rate please give us a month when you think this is going to come out 

Shut up and give me the game I need this on my phone asap because this is going to be a banker please when this game comes out notify me immediately

yeah you're right bro yeah you're right I'm sorry man what other shows you like because I feel like you can make another game like this one

yeah true but I'm just saying like for the people that you know ain't into that type of thing they would most likely want to date the girls that aren't related to the main character

oh and in future updates to the game put some other female characters that are interested in Lincoln also just so we can have a more diverse pool of ladies

I don't know bro because it'd be cool if that happened but I'm going to be looked as weird for wanting that dude I know it's Muzan as a midget

As a person and a fan of loud house I have to say luna is my favorite character so any chance I see anyone spoiling Luna or just giving a update to her design will always be a friend of mine most of the girls look like they do from the show just with a little updates here and there but Luna on the other hand looks like how she tried to be pretty but better

I probably not the first one to ask this but will you be adding Titan sex scenes I don't know why I just want to be able to have sex with the Titan Shifters in their Titan forms

So when is female /male muzan will be coming to the game and also will you add his third form The One He makes himself look shorter and he looks like a kid or that's going to be left out and will the other upper moons will be added to the game and also will tangan and his three wives will be added to the game as well

I love that this is coming to PC but it sucks for me because I don't have a PC but I hope everyone enjoys your game