I know right it would be cool to see a Ben 10 parody with all the Ben 10 girls including Gwen or a Pokemon game where we play as Ash and basically and this was for the furries and have him with some Pokemon like is bayleaf and all the fans that like shipping Ash with his different female companions
Thank you both! Right now, this game is my main/only source of income, this means, I work on this all the time lol, so no “side projects” for now.
About “next project” after this:
- Pokémon? it’s a solid NO, Nintendon’t like people using their IP for money, I don’t want to get a Cease and Desist letter 6 months into the project.
- Ben 10? hmmm. If it’s a Ben 10 classic x Ben 10.000 maybe…
About what other shows I like? Hilda, Bob’s Burger, and Amphibia. This doesn’t mean I have plans for making a game about one of these.
dude you can choose any dancing you want I'm okay with it but I agree with you Nintendo are the kings of Ruin either fan or people that just having inspiration from their projects even if it's completely unrelated to them what is that noise how can we see what they will do to just people putting free mods on Zelda so I get you