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A member registered Jan 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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I love this game, such amazing art and a really fun game

Im amazed by how much content where you able to put in the game in such short amount of time, i played like 40 minutes but it got too hard for me, i noticed some things that i think would make the game a little easier

-Eliminate the shooting limitation, because if an enemy is above me im unable to do anything

-You cant shoot while running away

-Zoom out the camera to be able to se whats below and above me, there were a lot of blind jumps

-Increase life, i feel like a one hit kill is too much.

-Keep enemies dead, if i win a minigame having to deal with them is a lot

-Reduce hitboxes, there are times in which just the tip of the gun touching an enemy meant death

This one was a tough one, it took me like 3 tries to be able to win and just a few seconds left. really nice entry!

What a concept! levels were really fun, one of the best of this jam

Really fun game, i cant stop playing!

Really cool game, i loved both the graphics and the use of the theme.

Amazing art, cool game!

nice game, it was really fun to learn the controls, the only thing i can say is that enemies take a little too long to shoot, making it easier to jump over instead of shooting them