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A member registered Oct 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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プレーしてくれて本当にありがとう !! すみません、私は日本語があまり話せません. 私は 2 ねん しか べんきょして. だれもプレーしないと思っていた. 自分のポートフォリオと楽しみのために つくったんだ.


Oh and sorry for the keybinds, I am french and the WASD equivalent for our keyboards is ZQSD, so I was using those for testing and forgot to revert it back to WASD. So sorry about that!

Thank you a lot! Ah yeah, I had this bug once or twice but I never achieved to find why it happens. Sorry about that!

Thank you ! Ahah yes indeed, but to be honest i got lazy in the end, that’s on me 😆

Thanks ! I actually thought about continuing it later!

Thank you ! Glad you liked it 😊

Thanks ! Used your package for a game jam,, exactly what i was looking for !

Nice job there! The idea really is cool, and the tutorial’s level design is well made. Loved the outro too. You could make a nice little casual-mobile game with some harder levels!

Nice use of a lens distorsion! It gives some arcade vibes, it’s cool. Think you should have made it so we could hold the mouse click to fire, my finger was hurting by the end lol

(I didn’t have any problems with windows blocking the game btw)

I liked the idea of the game, having to build a picture with different parts has some good potential

Loved it! The idea of paper please in a cthulhu theme really is fun! Loved the win screen too, “You win ! Humanity is doomed”, sounds funny ahah

Really nice game! Made me think of Dread Hunger. Really cool art too!

bien jeu bravo

Really beautiful game! The graphics are awesome! (specially the creeper pumpkin lmao)
I loved the idea of collecting different candies to make potions, really cool!

Thank you! Glad you liked it!

Reaaally good game! I loved it! The art and the ambiance are so good!

nah the gameplay's really fine! It might need some little improvements, but you for sure got something

Cool parkour game! Reminded me a bit of CSS ones. The ambiance is well brought too!

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Damn i completely forgot about that, thank you for pointing it out! I'll make sure to fix it!

Damn that was some really cool game! The controls were so smooth, and i know by experience that car mechanics can quickly go wrong, but you got it perfectly here!
I like the graphics too, they truly reminded me of old GTAs along with the camera.
The HP bar was original too!

Unfortunately, the train yeeted me away and i got stuck, but welp that was fun xD

I really didn't see that coming! It was really original and fun to play! How did you even come up with this idea ?
The game overall just felt smooth, the UI simply feels great, really nice entry!

Ahah, as always i had a really hard time balancing the game, i had to nerf the enemies a lot
Thank you for playing!

Thank you! It's a real pleasure to read!
I actually didn't even think about something as simple as "buying" stats, but that's a great idea! I'll make sure to give it a go later

Thank you a lot! I truly appreciate it! 

I simply loved it! The graphics, the audio, the gameplay, the animations, really good game overall! Great work!

Fun game! I needed a bit of time to get used to the gameplay, but it's original and do have a good potential.
I liked the ending too, it made me laugh

The graphics are really cool! I liked the idea, it kinda gives me SCP vibes

I really loved the graphics and the halloween-christmas mix! The gameplay felt smooth, specially on the character's animation that just feels great
I quite didn't liked the audio tho, but i really dislike asmr-style sounds, so it might just be my taste here

Nice submission overall!

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Thanks a lot ! 
I did wanted to add a bit of screen shake to spice up things, but i couldn't get it right, and in the end all of my attempts were good material for headache, so i preferred to throw it away

I'll make sure to check up your game too, no problem!

Thank you ! Yeah, i'm not really an artist, i struggled more on drawing a skeleton than on getting my degree, i'll just go for colored cubes next time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

God damn, it Will always be the more obvious bugs that goes under the radar ahah

 thank you for playing ! Glad you liked it ! 

Hey, thanks for your feedbacks! 
There's no ending atm, the auto repair mention is misleading, you just made me realise that ahah, but it's planned to add some new things in the future
Nice idea for the damages influing the timer tho, we'll think about it! 
Thank you for playing, we're glad you liked it

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Hello, thanks for your feedbacks!
We initially wanted to add upgrades, or new weapons, but couldn't due to lack of time
Same goes for the ending, there's none atm, but once the jam will end, we'll get back to work in order to improve the game as much as we can
Thank you for playing!

thank you! You're too kind 😁

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Thank you! Glad you liked it ! 

Cool game! I like it! I love the little cows, they're hella cute
What you could do for the catch feedback would be a simple "+1" text after catching something, or a little sound, you don't need something too big
Maybe make it so the cows/ducks don't spawn too close to the player, it kinda breaks the flow a bit
A little feedback on the catch cooldown could be a good improvement too, but it's not that necessary
Other than that, it's a good entry! Well played!

You've got something that could be really nice there, but the main problem is the lack of goal outside of surviving (i'm deeply sorry if there's one, but i didn't understood it)
Other things that you could improve too :
- just get rid of the handle on the slider, it could feel better without it
- make it so the more cracks you have, the more you lose water
- reduce the blue part, it takes way too much space on the screen

Now on the good things :
-The movements are really good and satisfying ! They make you feel free
- The trail is a really, really good thing, thanks to him you can see where you're going without feeling offset, and it just looks cool

It's a funny game you've got here, but could be a lot better with just little improvements. Good job there!

A bit too easy, but that's all honestly, the art is cool, the sounds are well-brought, i didn't spot a single bug, well done!

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Funny little game! Simple concept, but well brought! The sound feels great, and the controls are just as good as they should be.
The art is cool too, reminds me of games i've been playing while being young
The only thing i'd say is that i found the stun a bit too punitive with this many piranhas, but since there's no time limit it's not that much of a problem

Damn, thanks! We do think that little details are under-estimated, really glad to see that you noticed them

 Thanks a lot for your feedbacks!

thank you a lot ! We appreciate it!