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Flowing Creatives

A member registered 70 days ago · View creator page →

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Because of time constraints on my side I was unable to finish the idea in time.
As it's not allowed to update during voting phase, I will finish the idea after that.
It would be great if you can test it again after that.

Thank you! We will try to take part at other game jams, was a really funny exercise for us. 

The main game mechanic - I like it a lot! Good idea!

Good game for this time frame, the background music makes me angry :-D and that I die to often...

We are flattered, thanks to you!

Achievement unlocked - on both sides :-D thanks for playing!

Thanks a lot for your comment - we see it as: if you collapse in such a scenario, your day will be over, you will maybe wake up at a hospital - thus the next try would completely start over again :)